Part 5 Chapter 32 Attack on Duros

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20 km off the coast of Duros
Escort Carrier 'Brantas'

Seen on the ship's deck, the airspeeders were busy maneuvering on the deck to be able to immediately depart for their respective targets around the city of Duros. All airspeeders owned by 'Brantas' were launched to attack targets throughout the city of Duros and its surroundings.

On other ships, there were also many activities to carry out attack operations. On the deck of all 3 amphibious assault ships in the fleet, they also launched all the airspeeders, tanks, and APCs they carried. However, some of the airspeeders launched by the three amphibious assault ships were used as CAPs. Likewise, the four destroyers who escorted him also launched the airspeeders he was carrying as part of CAP.

However, in a corner of the deck of the 'Brantas' ship, four airspeeders were seen getting ready to depart. The 4 airspeeders consist of 2 utility airspeeders and 2 combat airspeeders. One can see six people in robes coming out of the ship towards one of the airspeeders. Gray Jedi! They were escorted by 12 dark troopers who were carried by another airspeeder utility. Two combat airspeeders are used to escort the two utility airspeeders. After all the Jedi and dark troopers got into their respective airspeeders, the four airspeeders immediately headed towards the city of Duros...


Duros City

The city of Duros consists of two parts, one is residential, and the other is industrial. The separation of these areas is very clear, which is used to increase the efficiency of the movement of goods in the production supply chain. Although the Palpadia Empire has not yet known about mass production with a conveyor belt, the need to speed up the movement of goods between production sites is known and addressed with a special layout, such as in the city of Duros. With the use of this particular layout, the city of Duros became the industrial city with the largest output in the Palpadia Empire, even though it was not the largest industrial area in terms of area.

At this time, panic swept through the city of Duros. The airspeeder flies over the city at a fairly low altitude. Their silhouettes were faintly visible in the darkness of the newly dawning day. They attacked military targets in all areas. Residents of the city of Duros, who are used to being in safe conditions because of the tight escort of the Palpadia armed forces, panicked when they saw the explosions that occurred in the city, especially from the port. Some of the existing patrol wyverns had already been shot down by the Myto Empire's airspeeder. The fires from various places that were attacked by Myto Empire's airspeeder made the sky, which was already tinged with the red of dawn, become even redder.

Many people were running away from the source of the explosion caused by the Myto Empire's attack. However, they were not aware that this had been calculated to reduce civilian casualties. Residents of the city of Duros were herded away from military and industrial targets.

Suddenly, a formation of 12 airspeeders was seen moving towards the Wyvern base on the outskirts of Duros town. The wyvern base was one of the two military wyvern bases protecting the city of Duros. One more base is located at a large scale military base outside the city of Duros.

In a few moments, the airspeeders reached the wyvern's base, and they simultaneously released the cluster bombs they carried. Each bomb also sends out hundreds of bomblets, and each bomblet has warhead plasma that is stronger than ordinary explosives or ordinary explosives that have been boosted with magic stone powder. As a result, the explosion generated by the thousands of bomblets was very powerful. It boomed over and over again in short succession, like a machine gun, but much louder. Explosive flames rose from the wyvern's base. In one strike, the wyvern base was razed to the ground, and all the buildings, wyverns, and military personnel present were completely destroyed. Flames and explosions lit up the city of Duros with a reddish light in the middle of dawn.

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