Part 7 Chapter 5

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Half an hour before the battle between the 0th Magic Fleet and the Judgement Fleet.
Mu Empire Battleship 'The North Star'
The ship's bridge.

Battleship 'La North Star' is again moving towards the ocean after joining two Victory-class destroyers heading towards the western islands at full speed. They were trying to assist HME's 0th Magic Fleet.

North Star Class Battleship

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North Star Class Battleship

Dimensions: Length 218 m, width 31 m
Displacement : 38.000 ton full load
Propulsion : Hybrid CODAG-Electric : 6 x 8 MW Turbo Diesel, 5 x 20MW Gas Turbine. 4 x 40,000SHP Electric Motor Driving 4 shaft
Speed ​​: Maximum 32 knots
Range : 18.000 NM @ 15 knots
Weapon 3 x 3 410mm Gun, 10 x 2 130mm DP Gun, 26 x 2 40mm cannon 24 x 4 20mm cannon, 2 x SA-1 Rapier (40 missiles per launcher), 2 x 7 SS-1 Comet (3x1 over 4x1 per group), 10 x 100kg depth charge, 2 throwers
Aircraft : 3 helicopters
Sensors: Radar, sonar
Magic shield : equipped
Crew: 1,600

Victory Class Destroyer

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Victory Class Destroyer

120m long, 12m wide, displacement of 3,200 tons at full load. Diesel-Electric Propulsion, 6x turbo diesel generator 51,000HP/33MW, 3 39,000HP electric motors driving 3 shafts. Speed ​​34 knots. Range: 5,000 NM at 20 knots.
Weapons: 3 x 2 130mm DP gun. 4 SS-1 Comet Missiles. 4 x 1 550mm torpedoes. 6 x 2 40mm AA guns. 1 x Rapier AA Missile system, 40 missiles. 20 100kg depth charge + 2 depth charge throwers.

"Admiral, we got satellite info from 'Uscru' that there are 2 groups of ships from Gra Valkas that are north of the western island. One group of 12 ships is rapidly approaching HME's 0th Magic Fleet, and the other remains in the north. It seems that the fleet that remains in the north includes aircraft carriers." Said the captain of 'La North Star', Arkaile, while handing over satellite photos from 'Uscru'.

"Hmm, there is a possibility that they fought and then attacked with fighters. Ask our carrier to launch its fighters to assist the fighters possessed by the HME." Said Admiral Antroide, the leader of the Mu Empire's small fleet, at the 11-country conference.

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