Part 5 Chapter 39

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Ruin of Empire 2nd Department Foreign Office

The fire in the 2nd Department Foreign Office building has been extinguished. At this time, there was no attack on the area, so the people of the 2nd Department Foreign Office returned to the ruins to try to save the documents and other important items. The horse-drawn carriages were again lined up in front of the 2nd Department Foreign Office and were being loaded up as quickly as possible...

Ramille and Elto were currently in the courtyard of the 2nd Department Foreign Office, supervising the evacuation of the 2nd Department Foreign Office. The head of the 2nd Department Foreign Office was in the room, supervising the transportation of the remaining documents that were still intact.

"I think we can make it." Elto said. Already, more than 90% of the documents and items can be salvaged. Unnecessary staff have also been evacuated, many with their families." Elto said.

"Good, good. Tomorrow we will start working in our temporary office in another city." Ramille said. "The royal family will be taken to a city in the central part of the Palpadia Empire. But the destination is still a secret."

"According to reports, the Imperial Palace is also already empty. All important documents and items have been taken out of the city. They are currently removing non-essential items, such as expensive furniture and personal items, from the contents of the palace and the royal family." Elto said.

"They were able to empty the palace so quickly because the palace was never attacked, and the manpower to empty the palace was also much more. Almost a battalion of soldiers helped empty the palace." Ramille said.

"Even though Esthirant fell, tomorrow, the Palpadia Empire will be business as usual." Elto said.

"That's right. We will slowly evacuate Esthirant. The enemy will not attack civilian convoys." Ramille said.

Suddenly, the Myto Empire flying machines that had been circling above Esthirant suddenly all moved towards the sea.

"Look, what's going on? Why are the enemy flying machines retreating?" said a staff member who happened to be there.

"Are they retreating after they've done their damage on Esthirant?" asked Ramille.

"No way, there are still many golem soldiers in Esthirant." Elto said. "They will evacuate the golem before retreating."

"Then why did the Myto Empire's flying machines flee towards the sea? It's also impossible for them to all return to their bases. It's still daylight." Ramille said.

Everyone was silent as they watched the strange phenomenon. They also tossed around various theories about it.

"My good, look at that!!!" said someone, pointing to the sky.

Two balls of light that had done a lot of damage came back down. But this time the orbs did not head towards the outskirts of Esthirant City but instead headed straight towards the center City of Esthirant.

"Noooooooooooo." Ramille screamed as she saw the destination of the two balls of light.

They quickly descended and approached Emperor Ludius' Imperial Palace, Castle Paradis. The two orbs hit Castle Paradis simultaneously. There appeared to be no change in Castle Paradis for what seemed like an eternity, but that was short-lived when a sizable fireball began to cover the castle. Smoke that was soaring like mushrooms followed the fireball.It wasn't long before the loud sound of the explosion could be heard.

"Imperial Palace.... Emperor Ludius...." Said Elto who could not get any coherent words out.

Everyone there stared wide-eyed and in a state of shock as they saw the center of the Palpadia Empire destroyed in just one shot. They did not expect that the history of the Palpadia Empire would end at this moment. They ignored the thunderous sound and heat of the explosion.

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