Part 3 Chapter 5

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City of Qua Toyne, Principality of Qua Toyne,

City Square, early morning

The large square in the city square of Qua Toyne city was heavily guarded. This is because the ambassador from Myto will come to Qua Toyne city using a flying vehicle that will land directly in Qua Toyne city. According to information from Captain Avcor, only a 500 square meter field is needed for a flying vehicle from the Myto Empire to land. The means of transportation to the meeting place between the two parties have also been prepared, in the form of several luxurious horse-drawn carriages, which are currently on the edge of the city square.

Suddenly, from Meihark's direction, two objects flew towards the city square. The two objects flew almost silently, only a subtle humming sound could be heard. The two objects quickly arrived above the city square. The two objects look almost the same, only the size is different. One is bigger than the other. The flying objects were shaped like a trapezoid, with a small section in front of them shaped like arrows. One is about 7 meters long and the other is about 11 meters long. The large object has an almost cylindrical center which is quite large with several windows. While the small craft, almost all of the middle section is made from glass.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Notes :

(This thing is a development modification of the T-47 Airspeeder. There are two versions: a fighter version and a utility version. The development is an aerodynamic improvement by covering the canon. The canon used is a combination of a laser cannon and a 20mm coil gun. In addition to four hardpoints on the underside of its body, it is capable of carrying a 4 tonne dispensable weapon. Due to its increased aerodynamics, its speed has increased to Mach 2. Another, which is greatly enlarged for use as a personal/utility carrier. The cockpit has been enlarged, making it a 2x6 m cabin, carrying 6 people plus 2 pilots. Exit and enter through the hatch at the rear of the aircraft that opens upwards so that the door can be used as a pulley for search and rescue. Emergency exit through the jettisonable cockpit. Armament is the same as the fighter version, mach speed 1.4. Because it uses microfusion, the range becomes practically unlimited.

After the two objects were on the ground, they stopped, floated in the air, and slowly descended to the ground by removing the wheels at the bottom. No disturbance at all to the surroundings, no wind or fire arising. The sound is relatively not loud, just a hum that is not so loud. The audience, consisting of the welcoming committee and residents who surrounded the city square, was silent, dumbfounded at the sight of this very magical object.

The back of the large object opened. From inside, it appeared that 2 people came out in ordinary clothes and 4 others dressed in white armor and carrying sticks that seemed to be weapons. The welcoming committee, who were mostly from the military, remembered the weapons that the Palpadia Kingdom had after seeing the stick.

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