Part 7 Chapter 7

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Leifor-Mu Empire border
A few hours before that.

The Mu Empire set up many border posts along the Leifor-Mu Empire border. The posts were equipped with radios, telephones and armed with machine guns, and around them were various mines that were controlled from the post.

It was still mid-afternoon. The soldiers stationed at guard post number A24 were resting after they had eaten lunch and checked the equipment at the post. The number of military personnel stationed there was only 8 people, or one squad. Although their post is quite small, there is enough protection. The post was made of a thick prefabricated cement wall with sand piles around and on top of it. The door of the post was at the back, so it could protect them.

Although they were still relaxing, two men remained on guard, manning the 12.7mm machine gun located in a small window overlooking the border. In front of them for nearly 100 meters was a grass field. The entire border of the Leifor-Mu Empire had now been made into a grass field, making it impossible for surprise attacks from hiding soldiers.

Suddenly, they were startled by an explosion that occurred not far in front of the post. All the soldiers who had been relaxing outside immediately headed inside the post and took up their respective positions. All the weapons that were not manned were immediately manned. Two people were busy stacking ammunition around the machine gun.

For a while, nothing was seen, but two more explosions were heard. These were undoubtedly artillery shells. The post leader immediately pressed the emergency button connected to the center and picked up the receiver that was directly connected to the sector command center.

"Command, we are under attack. We haven't seen the enemy yet, just artillery fire." The post leader said this over the phone. The phone was connected directly to the local command headquarters. In addition to using the phone, the post also had a radio to be able to contact the local command headquarters.

"Hang on there, we'll give you a hand soon!" came the reply from the command center.

The soldiers there could only hold on while holding their weapons. The post was equipped with three 12.7mm machine guns and regular rifles. All weapons were now visible in each of the designated windows, ready to fire at any enemy in sight.

For some time, there was no enemy in sight, only the occasional explosion of artillery shells. But after waiting for more than 10 minutes, a column of infantry and a number of tanks emerged from the vegetation and moved towards them at the edge of the meadow. The post leader immediately activated all the mines. The mines were made to be activated only from the post so that, under normal conditions, they would not interfere with civilians coming to or going to Leifor.

Gra Valkas Tank (Similar to Type 97 Chi-Ha Medium Tank)

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Gra Valkas Tank (Similar to Type 97 Chi-Ha Medium Tank)

Along with the infantry that took cover behind the tanks, the tanks moved slowly but surely across the border and into Mu Empire territory.

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