Part 5 Chapter 23

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Elysia High Orbit
Star Destroyer Myto
Moff Trevat quarters

Moff Trevat sat at his desk in his private room and gazed out at the planet Elysia through the window in his office. There's not much stuff on the table because this room is not his office. Moff Trevat mostly uses the table to just contemplate while looking at the space scene with the planet Elysia in the background.

Currently, Moff Trevat is thinking a lot about the condition of the Myto Empire, which still doesn't have many military starships to conduct exploration and security in the areas that have been discovered. The discovery of traces from various nations that were quite advanced, even to the point of being able to make planets artificially, made him very worried. It is impossible for him to move again, unless a way or technology is found that can transport them to Earth or back to the Galactic Empire or Star Wars universe.

This uncertainty worried Trevat, so he ordered the Myto Empire's military capabilities to be increased by restarting the production of military starships, including the production of battlefortresses, which have some of the capabilities of the death star. Trevat hopes that the firepower of the Battlefortress class will be high enough to be able to destroy planets in a few shots.

Suddenly the communicator device on his desk beeped, a sign that someone wanted to talk to him. Moff Trevat also pressed the button to open the communication channel.

"Yes, what's up?" Trevat said.

"Excuse me, sir, we have a request to speak with you from our ambassador in the Kingdom of Altarus. He indicated that there was a need that could only be met by you." said the communications officer from star destroyer Myto.

"Connect at this terminal." Trevat said

For a moment, the communication device flashed, and the Galactic Empire's crest appeared on the device's screen. Trevat prefers communication with 3D screens compared to holograms. This is because 3D screens can show images with much better definition than holograms. After a while, the connection was made, and it was  ambassador Kharta, the Myto Empire's ambassador to the kingdom of Altarus, who immediately greeted Moff Trevat.

"Did something extraordinary happen in the kingdom of Altarus that it should contact me, rather than the foreign official or Governor Ira?" he inquired.

"Excuse me, sir, I have news that I thought could only be given to you. At the end of yesterday's victory, the kingdom of Altarus threw a party across the country. During the party, many people suddenly appeared at our embassy. They want to become slaves in the Myto Empire." answer Kharta. "I can't convey this to other officials because remembering the issue of slavery is forbidden, but the traditional values of the Altarus kingdom cause them to want to return the favor even at the individual level."

"Hmm, as you know, slavery is illegal in our country. Can't that gratitude be manifested in other ways?" he asked.

"Not this time, sir. Individually, they feel very indebted to our country because maybe someone's whole family could be killed in a war, and so on. I honestly don't understand why they insist on selling themselves as slaves. Their culture is very different from ours, sir." answered Kharta.

Trevat immediately imagined the stories of the isekai genre and the ancient world that he had often read while on earth. It seems to be a custom similar to the stories. The story from ancient times of the Isekai theme, where the protagonist owns a harem, flashed through Trevat's head. But Trevat immediately pushed that thought away.

"Isn't there another way?" Trevat asked.

"I offer a solution for them to become assistants or just personal bodyguards, sir. But since this is a sensitive matter, King Taara the 14th and I hope that they can work directly with you." Kharta said.

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