Part 5 Chapter 34 Attack of Karis Village

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Karis Fishing Harbor

05.00 hours

The fishermen, who were busy working in the harbor to unload the newly caught fish, were surprised by the arrival of the Myto Empire's airspeeders. The airspeeders could barely be seen in the dim light of dawn.

"Look, what's that?" a fisherman shouted and pointed to the sky.

"It can't be a bird, it's too big. Is it a wyvern? Is there a military exercise or are we going to be attacked?" asked another fisherman.

"It can't be a wyvern, look at that thing with no wings!" said another fisherman.

"It's a flying machine! Is the Mu Empire attacking us?" said a harbor officer.

That last remark sent the fishermen into a panic. They immediately rushed to save themselves and their belongings. Since the harbor was not large, there were only a few dozen fishing boats, and they were able to run while carrying their respective goods out of the harbor without any significant chaos.

"Sound the alarm! Contact our warships, soldiers, and guards immediately!" the harbor master said to his subordinates.

"Yes, sir." His subordinate replied, and he started running to the building to set off the alarm.

"Also contact the nearest military base via manacomm!" the harbor master shouted to his running subordinate.

"Don't forget to inform the village chief! Only he can make a decision about Karis village. We might have to evacuate the entire Karis village immediately." said a fisherman.

"Alright, I'll tell him myself." The harbor master said as he started running towards Karis village.

A few seconds later, from the direction of the anchored battleship Palpadia, came the sound of an alarm. This showed that the crew of the military ship had also seen the approaching danger. But along with the alarm sound, some of the airspeeders had fired their blasters at full power. The light from the blaster bolt was bright in the dim dawn light.

It took no more than two seconds for the blaster bolts to hit the two Palpadia Empire military ships. There were explosions as the blaster bolts hit the two ships. Not only did the ships burst into flames, but they were completely destroyed. This was because each ship was shot by three airspeeders. There was light from the flames that burned the wreckage of the ships that were still floating, the light of the fire illuminated the entire harbor, which was still dim in the middle of dawn.

With the harbor guard ships destroyed, everyone fled from the harbor. But before they ran away, they saw many objects slightly above the water that were moving quickly into the harbor. They were tanks and APCs belonging to the Myto Empire.

It wasn't long before the Myto Empire's tanks and APCs had landed in Keris' harbor. From the APC, the dark troopers came out and secured the harbor. The frightened fishermen were captured and gathered in a field. The dark troopers immediately moved towards Keris village.




The village chief's house.

The village chief of Keris, who was sleeping soundly, was startled by the banging on his door.

"Chief, the enemy is attacking us!" said the person banging on his door.

The village head immediately woke up and, wearing only his jacket, opened his door. In front of the door were several people, one of whom was the harbor master, two fishermen, and a guard. Everyone looked terrified. From the direction of the harbor, there was a reddish light that illuminated in the dimness of dawn. Something was burning in the harbor.

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