Part 8 Chapter 7

773 31 12

Ocean, 200 km from point T, near Ragna.
In the afternoon, the same day as the attack on star system OM3I
Operation 'Firecracker' flagship, Battleship 'La Orion'
Main Bridge

Admiral Drieker, who was on the main bridge of 'La Orion', saw the navigation officer determining the fleet's position on the map on the chart table. Once the navigation officer finished his calculations, the fleet's position relative to point T, the final point for the attack on Gra Valkas, was known.

"We are 200 kilometres away from point T, admiral," said the navigation officer.

"In less than 10 hours, we will reach point T," said Admiral Drieker. "Has the attack been prepared? Night will come soon, and we need to rest up for tomorrow's attack. We'll be busy for more than 24 hours."

"Everything is prepared, admiral. All aircraft have been checked, and general weapons, such as machine guns, have been loaded. We are currently loading the heavy weapons. The fuel will be filled tomorrow morning," said the XO.

"Don't forget to order the pilots to rest early," said Admiral Drieker.

"Of course, admiral. That has already been said," said the XO.

The captain of 'La Orion', captain Tissen, approached them with the tactical officer while carrying the newly acquired photos.

"Admiral, we managed to confirm that there are only two enemy task forces temporarily detected on their way to Ragna. We have also detected patrols around Ragna, there are only 7 task forces, and each task force consists of either 2 or 3 destroyers." Captain Tissen said.

"What about the strength of the two task forces heading towards Ragna?" asked Admiral Drieker.

"The strength of each task force varies, admiral. But each task force at least has a carrier and a battleship. The number of ships in the first task force is 12, while the second task force behind it contains 14 ships." Captain Tissen said.

"Their strength is not bad. Can our task force of four light carriers handle it?" asked the XO.

"It should, we attacked the task force before dawn. They cannot launch their aircraft before dawn, and therefore there is no danger of a dogfight. Also, their weapons are less effective at night," said Admiral Drieker.

"Actually, we detected more enemy task forces behind the two task forces, but they were so far away that we couldn't do anything. More than 500 km behind the second task force," said Captain Tissen.

"The distance between the first and second enemy task forces?" asked Admiral Drieker.

"About 100 kilometres, admiral." Captain Tissen said.

"Good, we can attack both at once using air strikes," said Admiral Drieker.

"But that would make the next attack too late," said the XO.

"We can use aircraft from one light carrier for one task force, so there are still two light carriers that can attack the next target," said the tactical officer. "It's a little less powerful, but the important thing is that we can eliminate their air power. The rest can be attacked with follow-up strikes."

"I agree with that assessment." Admiral Drieker said.

"Very well, admiral," said the XO.

"Then what about the ships in Ragna?" asked Admiral Drieker while looking at the photos that had been placed on the chart table.

"It appears that we count 21 aircraft carriers of various types as well as 29 active battleships or battleship-sized ships. We also detected a large ship present at the 11-country conference." Captain Tiessen said.

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