Part 2 Chapter 10 : The Accident

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5.5 ABY,

Myto held a massive party both on planet Myto and on Planet Terminus. The cause is the failure of Cinder's operation and the defeat of Admiral Gallius Rax on the planet Jakku. Right now the Myto leaders are on the Myto planet to celebrate. Planet Myko currently only contains 10 million inhabitants, a far cry from the 111 million more inhabitants at the time of the Battle of Endor. Most of the residents are residents who do not want to be relocated to the planet Terminus.

"I can get through the critical period", thought Trevat while looking at the crowd of the party. "Now it's just a matter of doing development and we are trying to prosper many people."

"Can Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (the basis of the Indonesian state) be used here?" thought Trevat while smilling.

The party lasted almost all day. Myto leaders and military leaders allied with Myto kept on congratulating Trevat.




At the party, Governor Trevat approached Admiral Ira and touched her hand to get her attention. Admiral Ira looked to the side and found Governor Trevat beside him. Admiral Ira smiled because, on that day all the battles were more or less over.

Admiral Ira's smile completely mesmerized Governor Trevat. He had never seen such a sweet smile. Despite looking tired, Admiral Ira still looked beautiful and graceful. Governor Trevat handed Admiral Ira the drink he was carrying.

"Well, at last we have peace in the future." Governor Trevat said.

"Yes, we can build our sector and the galaxy for the better. Although there are definitely still many conflicts ahead, but it feels like the worst is behind us." Admiral Ira said.

"At least we can breathe a little easier, Ira. Hopefully there will be no more fighting. " said Governor Trevat.

"I hope so, Trevat." Admiral Ira said as she looked up at the fireworks display being held over the city...


30 hours later,

The cargo ship Kikko was speeding at full speed. Behind it, a New Republic Nebulon B Frigate is chasing it. The cargo ship Kikko transports the hypermetter to the planet Terminus, but because the hypermetter was obtained illegally, the New Republic chases it during an inspection by the New Republic. Currently, Kikko's hyperdrive has malfunctioned and is forced to stop around a blackhole near Terminus and is unable to use hyperdrive. Because the freighter's speed was lower than the frigate's speed, the New Republic frigate quickly approached the Kikko freighter. The Frigate New Republic repeatedly asked Kikko to surrender and be on board.

The captain of the cargo ship Kikko decides to use a very risky route because he doesn't want to be caught. The ship will take a slingshot path near the even horizon to accelerate its speed. However, due to its location, its path will be very close to the path of the material stream from the red giant being sucked into the black hole.

As the cargo ship Kikko approached the stream of the red giant, the frigate that was starting to left behind, became unwilling to lose its prey and fired a shot at Kikko's sublight engine. The shot hit the left side of Kikko's engine, and due to the uneven thrust, Kikko swayed and spun towards the stream. When Kikko hits the stream, Kikko is carried by the stream to the even horizon of the black hole. Kikko's crew died due to a very high acceleration that the acceleration compensator couldn't handle. Kikko begins to disintegrate and releases cargo containers containing hypermatter.

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