Part 5 Chapter 16 First Casualty

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After the incident on the A35E1 star system, the decoding of files on computers on the A35E1 system that were still active was carried out day and night. In the end, a rough picture of the inhabitants of New Earth is obtained. They call themselves the United Human World (UHW), which controls six star systems that have class M planets. Meanwhile, the enemy is known as the Iote nation. The locations of several star systems controlled by the Iote nation have also been discovered. Currently, mapping the entire star system is being carried out.

However, due to the danger of aggressive species as well as active defense systems present in the system, exploring the system will begin with a number of probe droids and be followed by a small fleet. The fleet is a fleet with modern ships, consisting of 1 battlestar, 3 Concordat class destroyers, and 12 K'tinga attack cruisers.


Star System A71C5, 242 light years from Elysia, name: New Eden

This solar system is one of four owned by UHW. This system has six planets, one in the goldilocks zone, which the files found are called New Eden, one near the main star, and four others are gas giants. Currently, 20 probe droids are entering this solar system from all over. Short-range scans of all planets not in the Goldilocks zone show no energy emissions. Meanwhile, a medium-area scan of the entire solar system shows two low-level active energy emissions. Two droid probes immediately approached the source of the energy emission to conduct an investigation.

Several probes then started towards the planet, which was in the goldilocks zone. The four probe droids discover that the planet New Eden is devastated. It appears that the destruction was caused by a massive orbital bombardment. On the planet, it can be seen that the planetary crust is cracked in many places so that lava comes out of the planet due to the orbital bombardment. The entire atmosphere becomes very toxic both from radiation and gases from within the planet, such as sulfur, CO, CO2, and others. The orbital bombardment pattern, in addition to using nuclear-principle weapons, also seems to use a mass driver of very high strength so that it can penetrate the planetary crust. No energy emissions can be detected from the planet New Eden.

There is also no active energy emission in the planet's orbit. But there is quite a lot of debris from wrecked ships. A starship looks very large and is split into three parts that orbit the planet at a distance that is quite far apart. When assembled from its three broken parts, the ship measures more than 10 kilometers in length. The ship's slender shape—only a few hundred meters across—indicates that it is a mobile large mass driver.




After nearly an hour, the star system investigator fleet, a small fleet of starships, entered the star system A71C5.The fleet then orbited the planet New Eden, and after that, two destroyers moved towards two active energy emission sources that had been investigated by probe droids. The two emission sources turned out to be quite large subspace relays.

The small fleet will carefully map this star system over the next few weeks.


Star system AR6G2, 342 light years from Elysia.

The star system or solar system AR6G2 is a star system that has 12 planets, including 2 planetoids on the outer side of the star system. There is one planet in the goldilocks zone of the star system. The star system also contains five gas giants.The star system is owned by the Iote nation. From the available data, the star system is one of the outposts where the attack on UHW originated.

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