25 ~ She was scared

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Aarav pov :

When I opened the door and entered into my room , I was stunned for a second. Shocked!

She was lying on dadi's lap in the bed. Dadi patted her head lovingly more like caressing her. Dadi looked at my side on hearing the door crack. Dadi didn't say anything, she was just staring at me blankly.

My gaze fall on her.

She is not sleeping, her eyelids are opened but not focussing on mine too. Seems like she doesn't even know I am right here in front of her. Looks like she was lost somewhere else.

But where ?

I slowly walked towards them. On watching my moment , dadi slowly lift her head and placed it on the pillow. She didn't react to anything.

Her body is here but not her soul. She didn't shift her gaze on anything.

Dadi kissed her forehead and covered her with the duvet until her chest. Then walk towards me.

" Dadi , what happened? " Tension build up on my chest. She looks nothing like normal.

I have never witnessed this kind of her. It's so scary.

I am not scared of her. I am scared about her.

She looks like drowning in full of darkness. Something pulls her away from me.

She can tolerate anything. But She can't ignore my eyes at anytime at anywhere. The only connection which I felt stronger between us. I know that she could sense my gaze even miles away.

What happened now?

Her eyes are not wet. But they are painful. Afraid of shedding tears?

I am the one who promised I won't touch her. But, I couldn't see her like this.

I need to hold her, embrace her into my arms, warm her into my chest, erase those darkness from her eyes. I wish I could.

" She will be alright. " dadi said

That's it. She will be alright ? What about now ?

" Dadi, I want the truth "

For  the first time , I raised my voice to dadi. I have never spoken to her in this tone.

" It's not my story to tell. It's up to her. You can ask her. But not now. You don't need to push her further in this condition. Let her be, she will be alright. "

" Dadi, atleast tell me , what should I do to ...... "

I showed my hands towards her. My chest feels heavier on seeing her like this.

" She needs you. Only you ."

Dadi said and left the room before shut.

I keenly looking at her opened eyes and wishing it might shift in my side and she may be look at my eyes and I can .....

I inhaled a sharp breath and slowly walked towards her. she didn't move or anything. I sat beside her and my hands were aching badly to touch her and feel the warmth in my palms and pull her away from her demons.

When my hands are in inch distance between her face , it starts to tremble. I fisted my fingers so harder and steady myself. Then remove the hair from her face and make it clearly visible to me.

She didn't react to my touch too. It scares me so much.

I wanted to try this , may be this can ....

" Idhalya ..... "

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