27 ~ Her family secret

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She is definitely the death of my life.

For a second , I thought , some strange girl standing in my room.

I couldn't even grip my pride. The fucking towel made me caught in front of her.

I am usually late to home, still she would be waiting for me in the living room every night.

When I saw her for the first time that she was waiting for me till late at night with those swollen tired eyes , I felt warmer than bad. I felt a little bad for making her stay this late.

But I felt warmer that someone was waiting for me by sacrificing their sleep. I even told her she doesn't need to wait for me. But she never listened.

Then it becomes usual that we have dinner together. Then I realised she wanted to have food with me.

The first day , when I told her that I ate already in the hotel , her face suddenly changed pale , I saw the pain in her eyes , then i came to know that , she didn't have her dinner yet , she was waiting for me to eat together.

I don't like to disappoint her. So the next day , I didn't have my dinner outside , we had our dinner together in the house. She felt so happy. But she didn't show it fully. I know.

We don't chat. We don't discuss anything. We just sat together and ate our food silently.

Having food with someone will be more peaceful that I realised only after seeing her.

I don't like to accept the fact . But it is the truth that I have a lot of changes after she entered into my life. I don't know if it is good or bad.

Today is like one of those days. She always surprises me whenever I think she can't.

She left for bed only after I slept and woke up before I woke up. So I have never seen her in this night dress before. I doubt that she wore it before.

When she saw me , she fled back to the balcony. I can see the nervousness in her face.

I couldn't control myself other than following her.

She was shivering in the chill breeze. She is taking larger breaths than necessary. She gripped the wailing so tighter.

Her body moves up and down according to her breathing. She is panting.

I moved closer to her. When my hot breath falls across her neck , the little hairs in her all over body get straightened.

It's exciting to see how her body reacts to my presence. I didn't even touch her , my single breath is enough to make her liable. That makes me think how she will react when I touch her somewhere else.

I reduced the distance between us. My chest starts to collide with her spine. That makes her breath more uneven. Her knuckles are turning white.

I slowly leaned my head towards her height and whispered in her ear

" Breathe ..... "

Accidentally my lips crashed with her sensitive earlobe which made her fall a little from her height. Her eyes are pressed close. Her lips parted when my lips touched her.

It was breathtaking to watch her like this. When she was submitting herself to me. When she was totally losing her control.

I want to break her right now. 

But something important has to be taken care of.

She inhaled another sharp breath like she was trying to calm herself. But it's more difficult for her to do when I am around.

Meri Tamilachi Where stories live. Discover now