67: A Wild Chase.

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Y/N let that name escape his mouth, for fury did not compel him this time, but something else. He felt a heavy, empty feeling in his heart. Ahead of him in the distance he could see was Phillip—this time not responding to his calls with a sassy remark or anything more, and only running away. His curly hair flew behind him as his legs hurriedly dashed beneath him—and he never bothered to look behind him where Y/N followed.

Y/N breathed heavily as he ran after him, his legs dashing beneath him as well in a hurried manner. Phillip vanished behind a tall building. Y/N could see the few citizens still standing upon the sidewalk glancing in Phillips direction with curious arched brows and some looks of concern once they noticed the distressed state he was in.

Even so, Y/N ignored this. He went through the building Phillip vanished behind. Phillip was already near the end of another sidewalk, and more buildings began to appear.

"Hamilton!" Y/N called out again. Phillip didn't answer. And once more as he reached the end of the sidewalk, he vanished behind another building. Of course, Y/N followed—beginning to feel his legs grow heavier. Yet even so, he was filled with the strange determination to catch up to Phillip no matter the cost.

Y/N's heart began to beat heavily within his chest. And his skin flushed warmly in a manner that only the humidity of the evening could provide. He didn't know how long it would take for him to catch up. But he didn't intend on stopping anytime soon.

Y/N went around the building Phillip vanished behind, and continue to run after him.



Through buildings, through stores, through sidewalks the two men went. The shadows caused by the evening sky cast itself on the two forms of the men as they continued to run. Neither knew how long they had been running for, but neither seemed to care. Phillip only seemed to care about fleeing off to wherever he was going, and Y/N only cared for catching up to him.

As presumably minutes passed and as the cycle of the chase continued, the buildings next to the sidewalks continued to grow smaller in size. Y/N breathed heavily. There were beginning to be fences, smaller more recognizable stores.. despite the humidity, the familiarity of the place didn't fade from his mind. Yes.. yes, this was near the neighborhood in which Phillip lived. Where he had been staying with the Hamiltons.

Phillip continued to flee, and flee, as if he were some kind of prey running from a predator. Finally he stopped, but only for a moment as his feet grazed the sidewalk, and he boosted himself behind a fence by firmly grasping the outline of the fence and leaping foward.

Y/N didn't have enough energy to cry his name out any longer, for he was breathing heavily. But somehow—he still continued. He ran behind the fence Phillip vanished in. Phillip was only a few feet away. Houses began to appear. They were in the neighborhood now. That was for certain.

Y/N dashed behind him. As he ran, he could barely make out the sound of Phillips voice behind the rushing winds that followed his speed.

"Get away from me! Leave me alone!" Phillip cried barely behind the winds.

Leaving him alone.. the thought itself would normally seem tempting, as Y/N didn't like the idea of being around him. But.. as of now, with how clearly distressed Phillip was, he wasn't exactly sure if he liked that idea.

Despite not having enough energy to respond to Phillip, Y/N let him know of his answer with a simple shake of his head, and continued to run behind him—though the energy being drained from him at that very instance made it harder to continue running after him.

Letters - A Phillip Hamilton X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now