Chapter 42: Pinned Against Your Bed.

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"What the hell are you doin' on my bed?"

Phillip had asked that question immediately upon walking in, presumably returning from the little visit with his father, though he seemed a lot more down than usual. While Y/N had been sitting on the edge of the bed, comfortably reading a book—though he only glared once his dear enemy had walked in. "I had for once found myself in a comfortable position to read, but since you are here, I shall find myself back onto the uncomfortable floor."

"You better, I'm not fuckin' lettin' you sleep up here." Phillip snarled, approaching towards the man. Y/N had rolled his eyes, and began to shut his book with a sharp sigh. "And what if I decided to sleep up here anyway?" Phillip growled at this rather challenging sentence. "That better not be a fuckin' challenge."

"And if it is?"

"I'll kick you off the bed, simple. Now get off."

When Phillip attempted to shove Y/N off of his bed, Y/N simply snapped his book toward Phillips arm, and landed a light hit upon his arm. "I do not plan on leaving your bed anytime soon if this is how you treat me, do you perhaps intend on being the one who sleeps on the floor this time?"

"You motherfuck—"

"Quiet, no time for immature insults from a pesky nineteen year old in need of babysitting. I will let you sleep on here if you wish, but I am not getting back onto the floor until I feel exhausted enough to."

Y/N then looked down at his book that he had only shut mere moments ago, and attempted to open it once more. Though it quickly went flying out of his hands, as Phillip shoved it toward the floor, glaring down at Y/N once it had hit the floor with a sharp noise. Y/N furrowed his brows; "How immature of you. Maybe you dont have the capacity to make your father proud of you after all."

Phillip seethed, "Its like that?"

"If it wasn't, I wouldn't have said it. If you plan on not allowing me to even read, then I shall suggest we discuss the matter of how I am going to get out of here faster. We may have to prove even to your.. women that we like eachother now."

Phillip clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, ah, a classic response. "Please, do not barrage me with such immature and childish gestures. You would not long for me to be in your company any further, right? And I would not long to be in yours."

A slight smirk had only shown on Phillips face for a split second, "With that attitude, you kinda do seem like you like my company."

"Would the same go for you? For someone so prideful and arrogant, you always insist on irritating me so to the point of where I'm not able to stand you."

"Then why do you stick around?"


"If I'm so annoying to you, why do you stick around?"

"..I believe I have no choice in such a matter. If I don't, you'll end up finding me and causing mischief yet again. Better yet, if you despise me so, why do you intend on seeking my attention every few seconds? Do you think of me as your father, or are you so desperate for attention that you seek it from your worst enemy?"

"You wanna say that again, asshole?"

"Will you leave me alone if I do?"

The freckled man didn't bother to answer, only glaring down at the man whom had stared at the fallen book in the corner. Y/N had sighed, "I was intending on staying upon your bed, but due to your irritation, I shall read it elsewhere. I sincerely apologize for disobeying you, your Majesty, would your crown make you feel better?"

Phillip, once again, did not answer.

"Hmm.. it seems as if I've stunned you speechless. Oh well, your better when your quiet." Y/N had found himself giving a condescending smile, and stood up from the bed, and attempted to walk over to the fallen book that was sprawled out on the ground. Obviously, some of the pages would only be minorly damaged, but it wasn't as if Y/N cared any.

But then, he had found himself with a force clinging to his arm, causing him to stop in his tracks. Then, the force had faded, but he then found himself being thrown back in front of Phillip. And then—he could feel himself collapsing, and found himself laying upon the cushion of the bed. He had to admit, it was rather comfortable to lay on here. He felt almost envious of his enemy for owning such a luxurious and comfy item.

But then, he had found himself staring into eyes of light blue, aggression hidden in them like a diamond mine. Both of his hands had been on both sides of Y/Ns body, and his knees had been on both sides of Y/Ns body as well. Y/N only took a second to realize his enemy had him pinned to the bed, just like he had pinned him when Phillip hadn't obeyed his suggestions.

"Okay, listen here, you little bitch—" Phillip snarled, "—I'll make this simple, alright? I dont wanna have to keep doin' this fuckin' tango with you over and over again. Shit talk my family or me again, and a bullet is goin' in your brain—this time, for real, alright?"

"...I do not see why you found it necessary to pin me to the bed, darling." Y/N sweetly growled in reply, his eyes holding a sense of emotion for a moment, before they became a dark pit of emotion yet again. "Dont fuckin' call me that now, I ain't playin'." Phillips grip on the bed had gotten harsher.

Y/N swallowed his spit, "If this is your attempt at intimidation, then you really don't have a sense of social skills either. Release me now, would you? I dont long to see your face in this position for any longer."

"No—no, you fuckin' listen to me, man." Phillip inched his face closer, clasping a hand hand over one of Y/Ns wrists and clenching it harshly. "Say—say anything else and you'll be wishing you were dead!"

Y/N hadn't bothered paying any attention to what else he had to say, and only slowly eyed him up and down, from his chest to his waist—he truly was weak as sturdy as he seemed, Y/N could easily cause damage had he wished to.

Yet, he only did the rare occasion of smirking, and only placed his free hand along the side of Phillips jawline, tracing his fingers gently. "Phillip, darling, why do you insist on intimidating me so? Or do you just want to be close to me? Is that why you look at me all the time? Maybe you do have some redeeming qualities about you after all, sweetheart."

"Is that a fuckin' challenge?" Phillip had asked again.

"No, but it can be whatever you wish it to be."

"You son of a—"

"Do not insult my mother like that, it isn't worth the time. Frankly, I am not enjoying this position—and I do not believe you were enjoying the embrace from earlier, so if you could just release me of your grasp—"

"How do you know I wasn't enjoyin' it?"



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