Chapter 6: Arrival, and a rival.

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Y/N gasped those words out loud, if he were drinking something, he would be spitting out right now in absolute shock. His father—and Phillips father—had decided that both him and Phillip were going to be in the same house as eachother?! How was he going to check up on Theodosia and his father now? How was he going to even survive?!

"Fat— Father, did I hear you correctly?!" Y/N asked, desperately.

"Yes, you did hear me correctly, dear boy. I know, I know it seems sudden, but—" His father was cut off by desperate rambling.

"Oh, goodness—it is sudden! How is it that I am going to check up on you and Theo now, father?! Why—how long am I even going to have to live with them?!" Y/N tried to ask, only feeling himself succumb to sharp inhales and exhales as he ran out of breath.

"5 months, at least. But I assure you, Y/N—me and that boys father are sure this will—" His father was cut off again.

"Why?! Why should this be the conclusion that you both come to?! Surely there's other solu—" Y/N paused, "—so.. sorry, I yelled without meaning to. I should not be expressing such emotions when your just doing what you can."

"No, dear boy, you are alright. I would understand being shocked at such a thing. But you have to understand, son, this may be able to help you and that boys relationship." His father placed a hand on his chest, "You cannot both stay like this forever."

"I dont—that—that boy won't even dare speak with me without irritating me.. I cannot possibly grow my relationship with him if he keeps insisting on being a total nuisance." Y/N felt himself hold back the urge to whine like a little child.

"And this is why we're doing this, Y/N, so you won't think of him as a nuisance. I'm sure as time goes on, you may be able to find a slight tremor of goodness inside him." His father insisted, gesturing with his hands.

For a moment, Y/N said nothing, and only closed his eyes as if he were thinking. He sighed. "How long do I have until then, father?"

"You have until 9 PM." Answered his father, "You can still go out and run your errands, but you must be quick. By the time you arrive, they'll be having dinner."

Dinner with the Hamiltons; something Y/N never thought of himself suitable to be having. Truly, he felt honored that Phillips family did want to be in his company, but he definitely knew Phillip didn't feel the same.

He could only hope it would go well.


"You what?!" John uttered, spitting out the bitter tea he had been drinking. Y/N had told his dear friend the news, and of course, he had reacted just as expected. Y/N only sighed and averted his gaze; "I should've expected you to react with such intensity.."

"Y/N," John began, "dear friend, how did it come to such a thing?! For what reason will you be having to stay with his family for so long?!" John held a hand against his chest as if he were some dramatic character in a Shakespeare play.

"Our relationship holds the concern of both mine and his family," Y/N explained, "this is why such matters will occur. Had it not been for them finding out, I wouldn't be having to stay with him. And now, they'd like to restore our rivalry into a bond."

"But such a thing cannot blossom into a friendship if one is so aggresive with the other," John whimpered out of concern, "surely there must be some other way."

"I thought so too," Sighed Y/N, "but father seems insistent on this. I am only doing this for the sake of my family—by the time I leave that dreadful house, I'm sure nothing about our relationship will change. Hamilton isn't the type to try and change."

"I can only hope you'll make it, I could not survive such a rascal!" Groaned John with a dramatic gesture of his hand. "I don't believe I may be able to make it through either, but if it means going back to my family, I shall plunge through the deepest waters." Y/N bowed his head as he said that, thinking of the cheerful smiles of his sister and his father.

They were both counting on him, so why not do them a favor and pretend to like the boy for a bit?

As Y/N looked at the crosswalk, he was met with familiar light blue eyes. Phillip Hamilton, angrily walking down the street, furious. Clearly, anyway, he had saw Y/N staring at him and wasn't  exactly happy.

John turned back to see what Y/N was staring at, and only made a protective glance.

"Hamilton," Y/N said. For the first time in a while, Y/N had been the one to provoke a conversation. "I've received notice I shall be staying with you and your family for a while. Is that what you were so pissed off over yesterday?"

"No shit, Sherlock, what else would I be pissed over?" Phillip pouted as if he were some child. He had stopped, practically towering over them both since they were both seated.

"I don't know, it could be anything at this point." Y/N rolled his eyes, "Will me breathing infuriate you? Anything makes you mad with rage at this point."

"What would you expect from such a boy?" Sighed John with a smirk, "His Majesty might be angry if we even move a muscle." The teasing remark earned an amused smile out of Y/N. He didn't know John had that sort of feist in him.

"Oh, do forgive us, your Majesty!" Y/N joked, "We don't mean to insult you. Would you like to sit on your throne to cheer you up?" John only chuckled at that remark, and Y/N felt himself giving into slight chortles. Phillip snarled.

"Oh shut up, you—you assholes!" Phillip growled, "Oh forget it, you ain't worth my time. Go to hell, man!" As Phillip began to walk off, Y/N leaned over to John and whispered; "Would you look at that—his Majesty isn't sticking around like usual.. maybe he's going to attend to his royal duties.

Y/N assumed he hadn't heard such a remark, but Phillip stopped in his tracks for a split second, as he and his dear friend laughed together for the first time in a while.

Had he heard it, maybe this would be brought up once he had arrived. But Y/N only wondered why Phillip didn't try to punch him this time.


Y/N walled by his father's side to the door of the great Hamilton house, the one that was holding his dearest enemy inside. For the rest of his 5 months remaining here, he'd have to be greeted with the same house over and over again. He'd be relieved to see his actual home again once he left.

As they stopped in front of the door, his father knocked, and Y/N gulped. He heard a high pitched yell, of what sounded to be a child; "Daddy, that Burr guy is here! I think.." Y/N was unsure if whether whoever it was meant him or his father.

For a moments, they stood still. And then finally.. the door opened. Alexander Hamilton stood in the entrance, and held a polite smile; "Mr. Burr, sir. It seems my son's been in quite a stir, sir. Do bring your son in, he may unpack and join us at dinner if he would like to."

"Your very kind, Alexander, thank you." His father thanked the man he had passive-aggresively argued with only a day ago, and shook his hand. Alexander then looked at Y/N, and gave a polite smile again; "It is nice to finally be able to speak with you. I apologize for meeting on such a bad notice."

"Thats alright, sir," Y/N bowed his head and smiled back, "Its nice to finally be able to speak with you as well."

As Y/N came in, he found himself nervous, as he had been gazed upon by what he could only assume to be Phillips siblings. Some attempted to greet him, and some only continously stared. A black-haired woman in the corner smiled gently. He immediately assumed her to be his mother.

"Y/N Burr, its so good to meet you, sir!" She gently smiled and shook his hand, "I do apologize for what Phillip had dealt you, I hadn't known he had such awful behavior towards one of his colleagues."

"Thats quite alright, miss, I can only hope he may not resume such behavior." Y/N was about to let the woman continue, but then he eyed the familiar light blue eyes upon a staircase he and the woman had been standing next to.

Phillip Hamilton, standing behind a step of the staircase, gazed down upon him from above. His lips were drawn into a frown, "Burr."

Y/N swallowed, "Hamilton."


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