Chapter 13: Waiting For It

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"What are you doing?"

That had been the question Y/N was presented with as he still sat on the makeshift bed on Phillips floor, holding the book he had purchased from earlier inside of his hands and holding it opened. His eyes scanned the words, and he opened his mouth to answer; "Stargazing, what else would I be doing at such an hour?"

He could sense Phillip roll his eyes from the very tone of his voice, the click of his tongue. "Can you do anything else other than meaninglessly give me sarcasm? Your startin' to sound like a moron with all that repetitive shit ya know."

"Can you do anything else other than mindlessly follow me around as if your some irritating woman trying to manipulate a man into falling for her?" Retorted Y/N, flipping the page over, as he began to scan the first few words on the page he had flipped to.

"Why do you keep bringin' that up?!" Phillip asked, "Stop actin' like I'm some stalker!"

"I won't until you start acting like your not, Hamilton." Y/N snarled back, averting his gaze from the page for a moment, and then turning back to the words. Phillip went quiet, only slipping the covers more over his legs and trying to think of anything else to say; as far as he was concerned, he wasnt exactly tired yet.

"Your still not sleeping up here, you know." Phillip said with a smirk.

"Which is why I'm sleeping down here. Should it not have been obvious that I knew that?" Y/N questioned, turning his face from his book, and staring into Phillips eyes of roaring light blue waves of anger.

"And I'd rather not be in your physical company anyway." Y/N muttered, his eyes becoming half-lidded as he continued to stare to the freckled man sitting upon the bed as if it were some kind of luxurious throne.

"I know," Phillip sighed, "you told me that."

"Then why bother asking?" Y/N asked, slowly closing his book as he glared up at Phillip with no expression whatsoever.

"Because—listen, man, I don't have time for questions right now. All I need you to know is that no matter what shit is pulled, I'm not ever gonna be your friend, you got that?!" Phillips eyes sparkled with frustration as he gestured furiously.

"I believe I do, yes, I am in no such delusion of thinking we have formed some type of companionship." Y/N bowed his head, "Which part of me makes you think otherwise?"

"I dunno, the—the weird not killin' me in a duel thing, i—" Y/N then cut off Phillip with an oddly frustrated sounding sigh, for the first time, he was showing an amount of anger and stress even Phillip hadn't found himself witnessing.

"Hamilton, we aren't companions just because I do not wish to frolic around and kill eachother like wild animals. You act as if I'm some carnivore, you—you act as if you're some carnivore! If you think of me as the type to give into such emotion-charged actions, I shall find myself offended."

"Well what else do you want me to think?!" Phillip argued, "I'm out here trying to make my father proud, what have you been doing?!"

"Doing something more valuable then you've been doing, clearly." Y/N rolled his eyes, burying his face into his legs. "Excuse—" "Hamilton, I have decided myself to be very exhausted as of now, so I shall be sleeping. Should you have any conversation for me, you can save that til morning."

Y/N shuffled inside of his makeshift bed, laying himself down as he heard cut off syllables and weird sounds echo from Phillips mouth. He could hear Phillip make a rather childish sound, as he laid his head upon the cozy pillow he had stolen for himself.

"Man, whatever.. I'm goin' to bed too. Maybe when I wake up, you'll be less of a bitch in the morning."

"I return that retort as well."


"Nothing. Get to resting, your better when your quiet."

He heard his enemy grumble as shuffling sounds were made upon his bed, and Y/N only found himself sinking inside of his thoughts. He thought about what he and his father had said to eachother before Y/N was trapped inside such a unforgettable hell.


"Y/N," His father began, "I.. I want you to know, dear boy, that whatever is to occur; it isn't your fault."

Y/N looked confused, and only replied with a raised brow; "Father, I am unsure of the words you speak. For what would I think I'd be at fault?"

"If I decided to get involved in something such as a duel, then it wouldn't be your fault. Duels are commonplace, but I do not wish to participate in one anytime soon. If Hamiltons boy is still the same even months after, I shall even still not do such a thing."

Y/N gulped; "But—father, your safety is my responsibility—you cannot be certain you won't find yourself in such a horrible thing."

"Your safety is my responsibility too, my boy," His father said sternly but softly, "I wish of you nothing but happiness. You deserve respect, you don't deserve any of the treatment Hamiltons boy has been giving you! With the way he glared at you, I possibly fear for your safety."

"Father, I—I shall be fine. I assure you—"

"My boy, promise me, please, for just a moment; for how long your gone, for how long I don't receive a letter from you, please—learn to have more respect and love for yourself. You deserve it—your such a great child, Y/N. Your well-behaved and your as much as an angel as any child could be. Do you promise me—no, even yourself, such a thing?"

"...I promise, father," Y/N sniffled, feeling himself give into tears. His father looked at him, and only held out his arms, embracing his child.

"I love you, boy, never forget that." His father muttered softly.

"...I love you too, father."


Y/N felt himself curl up further, pulling the blankets he had stolen over his body even more as the shadows of the room increased in darkness. He could have sworn he saw the moonlight from the window, and honestly, it probably was—with how bright the city got at night and all.

Y/N looked to Phillip, whom had turned on him, only revealing his back. Was he asleep? Y/N wasn't really sure himself. Y/N sighed into his hands, and raised them to his mouth. To warm his face of any sort of coolness outside of his covers.

He was willing to put up with such a man for 5 months. With such a man whom would sleep on the bed, and wouldn't even let him up there. With such a man whom couldn't even listen without finding some sort of thing to insult about him.

For his father, and for his sister, he was willing to wait. He'd deal with him for as long as he could, for the sake of his family.

He was willing to wait for it; the eventual exit of this hell in a few months. All he had to do was pull through.


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