Chapter 24: Another Embrace

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"Why'd you make me do that?!"

Phillip had been asking that question ever since the embrace had happened, anger piercing his light blue eyes of oceans. Y/N only continously answered his question, his arms crossed and no expression greeting his face.

"Because it was necessary. For your benefit, and for mine." Y/N replied with an icy voice, it sounded as if it were the calm before a storm. The calm before a hurricane, the calm before disaster. Like a delicate rainbow hiding a piercing wildfire.

"Yeah—but—but did we have to hug?!" Whined Phillip with a furious gesture of his fists, he only followed Y/N along the silver sheet of the sidewalk that was tinted gold by the shimmering sun in the light blue sky. Y/N did not face Phillip, nor did he change his blank expression.

"That is what friends do, so I attempted to imitate that affectionate gesture the best I could. Why do you stare at me as if I had physically harmed you with something as simple as a hug? Does His Majesty not do something as uncivilized as a hug?" Y/N questioned, slightly turning his head to face Phillip whom had been following him.

"Of course I fuckin' hug people, you act like I'm all high and mighy or some shit!"

"You are, with how insistent you seem on bragging about being a graduate from the same college we both went to."

"You brag about that too!"

Y/N turned to face Phillip, making Phillip abruptly stop in his tracks. "But do I make it my entire personality? You've enveloped all your traits into being a graduate of Kings College, and nothing else. Why do you intend on antagonizing me if this is how you behave?"

"Why do you seem so intent on me being the bad guy?! Why—I dont—"

"Save it. If you are going to keep whining and whimpering about such a little issue that shouldn't even matter to you, then I shall leave you here to rot in the cold night. I shall not have to keep answering your ignorant questions." Y/N grumbled, staring up at Phillip with hatred-burnt eyes.

"Why are you such a dick?" Phillip asked as Y/N turned away from him, and continued to follow as he treaded along the sidewalk. "I do not follow. As far as I'm concerned, I have only stated my honest opinions and feelings towards you, right from when we first met." Y/N replied with a condescending tone.

"I've done the same thing, yet you act like I've always been an asshole to you! And ya haven't even done any of that!" Said Phillip furiously as he forced himself to the left side of Y/N. "You've only been some weird asshole who constantly acts like i—"

"Excuse me, but I believe you to be the asshole here. Would a gentlemen whom was supposed to be kind do all of what you do? Pour salt in my coffee, prank me continously, punch me in the face, challenge me to duels—" Y/Ns ranting was then interrupted by Phillip saying, "Oh, cry me a river!"

"You shall spare me of your—oh no.." Y/N uttered, turning away from Phillip. For a moment, Phillip opened his mouth as if to attempt to answer, but then he found himself being pulledby Y/Ns forceful grasp. The next thing he knew, he was against a harsh surface and found himself staring down at Y/N. Both of Y/Ns hands were on both sides of him, he had him pinned against the wall of a.. fence. Again.

"Oh come on, how many times are you gonna do this—" Phillip attempted to whine, but was then shushed by Y/N pressing a finger on his pink lips. "Quiet. Your mother—your father—I saw them down the street. Would you like to let them see us arguing?"

"No, but how many times are you gonna do this shit?!" Phillip whispered harshly, gesturing with his hands. "Your actin' like the hot love interest of some female main character in a romance drama!"

"Oddly specific comparison, but I shall deny that claim. But listen, we shall pass beside them, looking as if we are getting along—and when we return to your house, until we make it to the bedroom, we shall look as if we like eachothers company as long as your family's gaze is upon us." Y/N whispered, he then grabbed Phillips collar and pulled him close.

"Do you understand any of what I told you?" Y/N asked in a low voice, as if to attempt to intimidate the man whom he had grabbed by the collar. Phillip furrowed his brows and a bead of sweat dripped down his face, "Yes—yes! Just—just fuckin' let go of me!"

Y/N did as he asked, and let go of his collar. Phillip bounced back furiously, as if he were some bow and arrow being shot. Y/N stared for only a few seconds, and then clenched his hand around Phillips arm. "Oh, come o—" "Shut up."

As they both passed by the fence, Phillips heart began to thud, and Y/Ns heart only made a slight tremor of movement as he walked. "So... Phillip," he awkwardly began incase of Phillips parents noticing them passing by, "when we return to your bedroom, shall we read this book I purchased?"

"Uhh—" Phillip swallowed his spit, "Yes! Yes, of course. I—I enjoy being in your company.. Y/N." He fought the urge to argue with Y/N right then and there, or to fight him right in front of his own parents.

Y/N forced a smile as he turned to face Phillip, "You know.. you have been a great friend, Ph—Phillip." He stammered with a bad of sweat trembling down his forehead, "I shall let you know of my gratitude with this act."


Phillip was then interrupted, as Y/N wrapped his arms around his upper torso. Phillip heard his mother laugh from the other side of the sidewalk, and his father as well. They had seem then. Great, but.. this had also been the second time they've had to embrace today.

Phillip awkwardly raised his arms, and wrapped them around Y/N as well, making both of his parents laugh again from the other side. His mother had cooed at them like they were both puppies being sweet to eachother or something.

"Do not make a sound. Let us wait until they leave." Y/N whispered in a low tone. And Phillip only made a shivering breath as he whispered into Y/Ns ear, "God—God, I hate you. I hate you so fucking much, man."

"I return that statement respectfully." Y/N whispered back, "Now continue to embrace me until I command you to release me of your grasp."



By the time Phillip had heard footsteps walking away, Y/N had said in a low voice; "There. They have vanished now. You shall release me now, and I shall release you."

Phillip quickly let go, and only grumbled as he looked at Y/N. Would he really have to keep doing this?

He could only hope for Y/N to leave soon, but for that to happen, he would have to play along.


Letters - A Phillip Hamilton X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now