Chapter 9: Coffee Complaints.

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The sunlight, and the yellow rays of its illuminated glow bounced off of the two boys as they hurried through the streets of New York. Y/N wasn't afraid to admit he was a little bit embarrassed to be seen with Phillip, as they were known around the city for being enemies.

Some people in the city would take Y/Ns side, often those who were either more mature or far different from Phillip when it came to personality traits and politics. Or some just did so because he was the son of Alexander Hamilton, whom some were many a fan of due to him being a war veteran. Though Y/N did see this reason as unreasonable.

Some took Phillips side, most of whom were those who were more loud and passionate just as he was. They'd criticize Y/N for being "far too up his own ass" and for being the son of Aaron Burr. Did federalists really hate him that much?

And some just wished and prayed to any of the gods above that one day they'd stop fighting, though Y/N wasnt sure if those sorts of prayers would ever be answered.

"Why do you always go to that coffee shop?" Phillip asked, holding his hands together behind his back. "I don't see why not. Why do you always find a way to conveniently show up and ruin my day?" Y/N asked, a hint of venom inside of those words.

"Well why not? It's fun seein' you pretend you aren't hurt by what i say." Phillip smirked, glaring down at the other man with sadism-filled satisfaction.

"I'm not." Y/N said, only staring ahead.

"You say that," Phillip grinned, "yet even though you say I ain't worth your time, you make conversation with me anyway. If I didn't hate you and you didn't hate me, I'd think you actually likes me or something."

"Dont be ridiculous, I only make conversation with you because it would be impolite to not do so." Y/N closed his eyes, bowing his head downwards. "Yeah, that's what you always say. What is it with you and bein' polite anyway?" Phillip crossed his arms as if he were some little child.

"What is it with you and not being polite?" The twisting of the question only made Phillip furrow his brows and grit his teeth. "You don't always have to make everything i say about me, ya know?" Phillip groaned in frustration.

"And you don't have to be so childish as to follow me everywhere I go." Y/N replied, staring at him with a blank face. Phillip clicked his tongue and averted his gaze from the man, "Please, I'm not a stalker or somethin'. You gonna keep treatin' me like I'm some creep or what?"

"I'll treat you with the treatment you give me, since we're both even that way." Y/N said, stopping in front of the coffee shop he'd usually frequent. "Now, enough talking, let's head inside so we can get this over with."

"Pushy much?" Said Phillip with a snort of malice. Though he was interrupted by Y/N grabbing his arm, and proceeding to pull him inside.


Y/N had ordered them both cups of coffee, though it was black coffee specifically. He did know that people would usually look at him with disgust for even liking such a thing. But as long as it gave him energy, he didn't care how it tasted. A slight part of him wanted to do it just to spite Phillip though.

Y/N walked up to the table they had both chosen, and sat both cups onto the table gently. Phillip drew his lips back in disgust, "Ew.. black coffee?" Phillip only scrunched his face in pure horror as Y/N answered with: "Yes, you have eyes, congratulations."

"Gee," Phillip exclaimed, "you really do have something wrong with you, don't you?"

"The same could go for you." Y/N said, tipping the cup towards his face so he could drink it.

"Oh yeah? Your the one who doesn't show emotions and constantly acts like a freak." Phillip tried to retort.

"Petty insult, but good effort nonetheless." Said Y/N as he looked up from his coffee.

Phillip pouted, "Your shirt sucks."

"I retract what i said, your insults are with little effort." Y/N replied, sipping on his coffee again.

The freckled man still crossed his arms, and only eyed his coffee with a slight frown. "Why are you like this?" He asked. If Y/N didn't know any better, he almost sounded like he was whining. "Pardon?" Y/N said, raising a brow.

"Why are you such a bummer, man? You never know what it's like to have fun." Said the freckled man, laying a hand on his cheek. "I do, i guess you could say I'm just more.. mature than you." Y/N answered.

"Yeah, keep puttin' yourself on that pedestal and see where it gets ya." Phillip rolled his eyes.

"I'm unsure of what that means." Y/N sighed.

"You constantly brag about yourself like your so mature and like your better than anyone, but man— that's the problem with you!" Phillip complained, "You always assume that your right, and you just see everyone around you as a nuisance except for that one guy you hang out with."


"No, you can't say the same about me. Stop sayin' the same thing everytime i talk bad about you, damnit!" Phillip snarled, slamming a fist on the desk.

Y/N paused, "Unnecessary behavior. But your complaints are noted."

Phillip clicked his tongue, "And there you go again, sayin' shit that doesn't even make sense. Why can't you just say shit normally?"

"Why can't you act normally?" Y/N said, putting his coffee down. "Your overly immature, prideful, you constantly brag about yourself and all those women whom you don't even see a day after you bring them into your house— and for a 19 year old man, your strangely childish."

"I'm prideful? Look at you! Your puttin' yourself up on some throne actin' like your more civilized than everyone because your a college graduate!" Complained the freckled man again, making furious hand gestures.

"Your a college graduate too."

"But I don't use it as an excuse, do i?"

"No, but you certainly brag about it."

Phillip clicked his tongue, and buried his face into his arms. "I wish I didn't have to be sharing a room with you, let alone be in your company."

Y/N though for a moment, and sighed; "Would this suggestion make you stop sulking?"

Phillip raised up his head, showing no change in emotion. Y/N could have sworn a slight glimmer of a mix of sadness and frustration twinkled inside of his eyes for a second.

"To make my life easier, and yours," Y/N exhaled, "we shall do this. We will act as if we are getting along in front of your family so we are able to be out of eachothers company faster. If we can prove that we like eachother, which we don't, then surely we will be set free of this chain that binds us."

"So what your sayin' is.." Phillip raised his head, "we should.. pretend to like eachother?"

"Yes, if you aren't deaf, then that's what I said." Y/N uttered, "Now are you going to stop acting like a sad little puppy, and drink your damn coffee?"

"I don't want it," Phillip answered after looking away, "just take it." He gently pushed the cup foward, Y/N only took the cup and set it aside. "I shall, maybe. If this liquid keeps me filled, I might as well throw it away."

"Good, not like anyone likes that crap anyway." Phillip crossed his arms once more.

Y/N could only hope that this awkward coffee hang-out would be over soon.

"How much time do we have to be with eachother exactly? Did your father say how much?" Y/N questioned.

"..2 hours at least." Phillip answered, confusion on his face.

"Well, is there anything you'd be willing to suggest after this is over?" Y/N tilted his head in curiosity, thoufh he remained blank-faced.

"I dunno.. I guess we can just go walk." Phillip shrugged.

"Then let's go." Y/N said, standing up, and placing a certain amount of money on the table.


Before Phillip could finished, he was brought out of his seat by a hand on his arm, and rushed out of there.


Letters - A Phillip Hamilton X Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang