Chapter 14: Phillips Mind

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Phillip Hamilton, a moment before drifting off to sleep, had been turned in his bed. He had heard the shuffling, twisting and turning of his enemy. He wondered if he was perhaps mad? Always doing things with no explanation and never making any sense with his words.

He sighed and turned his head, to look down at his enemy whom he could barely see in the shadows. "Are you gonna keep twisting ad turning, or do I need to kick you out?" Phillip asked, running out of patience. Though he was only met with Y/N quietly mumbling; "My apologies."

Phillip turned his head and lifted the covers more over himself, placing them just above the side of it so he wouldn't have to listen to Y/Ns repetitive turning and twisting. He had thought of what had happened for the day.

The coffee hangout, the walk, the awkward hug, him being pinned against his own bed. If Phillip were a woman, he would have guessed this man to be hitting on him. Though surely that couldn't be the case. After all, though he were his enemy, Y/N probably wasn't like hi—

'No!' Phillip cursed in his mind, 'You are not..'

Phillip placed a hand over his ear, as if it would do something. He knew damn well his enemy would make fun of him if he were ever something like that—what would his family—no, even worse, what would his father think?!

Phillip Hamilton knew it wasn't possible, after all, he and his family were.. normal. He would be fine. Nothing would happen.


By the time Phillip Hamilton had woken up, he was greeted with a morning shimmer of ivory light, glowing down upon his room as if it were magnificent silk. He groaned, lifting his head barely, as his eyes adjusted to the regular light he had find himself facing every morning.

His head ached, and he began to lift his body up, a bead of sweat trinkled down his face and he felt warm. Perhaps he had kept the blankets on too long last night, he was drenched in warmth. A curl of his hair clung to his neck, intertwining with the sweat that had fallen upon him so.

He looked around, attempting to see if his enemy who had rested upon the floor was awake. But alas, he was met with nothing but his resting figure beneath the blankets he had borrowed. Phillip found himself sighing, still frustrated, even though he knew this was what he was going to have to see for the next 5 months.

He debated on what to do until then, as he knew breakfast would start soon. He hummed, as if he were in thought. And then, he widened his eyes, finding himself smirking at the sheer amount of ideas he had in his head. He grinned as if he were The Grinch, plotting up his schemes.

Quickly, the man brushed the covers off of his body, barely struggling with them for a moment, before letting them fall upon the cushion again. It almost looked as if it were some type of dance, a ballet dance, a fosse dance. Perhaps the way Phillip moved his arms and fingers made it look like so.

Phillip turned his body, and let his feet meet with the cold floor. He nearly winced at the sheer intensity of its coolness, breathing heavily. Maybe he shouldn't have covered himself so much before going to sleep.

Finally, he slowly lifted himself, and stood upon the floor. For a moment, he looked around, and then began to stare down at Y/N as if he were some type of predator, watching its prey. He smirked brighter, and slowly took a few steps closer to the resting man.

He bent down on his knees, and whispered in a mischievous tone; "Hey.. hey.. hey."

Phillip repeatedly said those words, in an attempt to greet his enemy. Though the enemy gave no physical response. He grumbled, and then raised his hand, lightly plunging it down and hitting it upon Y/Ns firm shoulder.

"Hey, wake up!" He whisper-yelled, looking as if he were about to screech any moment now. Y/N still gave no physical response.

Phillip was about to erupt like a volcano, screaming for Y/N to awaken. But he found himself interrupted by a finger being placed upon his lips.

"I had already awoken by the time you had rudely greeted me so,"  Y/N's eyes were open, and he spoke in a sleepy tone, "there is no need to act as if you are some brat screeching for candy at a store."

"How—but you didnt—"

"I was trying to ignore you, my apologies. I'd rather rest than have to listen to you."

Phillip pouted, but gave a smirk again as he looked down upon the man whom was still resting. "Well, it's time to get up now, so that means after we're done with breakfast, you get to spend a little more time with me~"

Phillip hated spending time with the man, absolutely hated it. Though he couldn't resist the urge to shove that in the face of the man who returned those feelings so.

Y/N slightly furrowed his brows, "If thats your greeting for today, than I hope for the day to go on faster."


Phillip had begun to wonder around his home, now in his proper clothing. Breakfast had passed, and he nearly ran into his siblings whom were running around and causing chaos. He softly smiled at them as they passed, he remembered when he was little and caused so much trouble.

He only then found himself giving a slight frown once he had caught sight of Y/N on the couch in the living room. He was bent over, looking upon his legs, and seemingly was in thought. For the first time in ever, the man wasn't actually doing anything.


Phillip began to walk up to the man, a soft smirk growing on his face.

"Hey," he greeted, "what's a loner like you doing out here?"

Y/N turned to face him with his head, as Phillip approached further, his face darkened. "I'm thinking." Y/N answered, "Surely more valuable than whatever you may be doing. Is walking around and searching for me your use of time now? I'd say certainly there's much more useful things to be done."

"Please," Phillip growled as he sat next to the man, "as if I'd go around looking for you."

"Following me and enchanting my salt with coffee says otherwise." Y/N replied.

"Enchanting?" Phillip chortled in an amused manner, "Is that what its called now? Okay.."

"Immaturely making fun of my vocabulary," Y/N sighed, "are you here to simply meaninglessly waste my time or do you need something?"

"Well," Phillip scoffed, "we still have time to spend together, don't we?"

"...if we have time to spend together, then I'm getting my book." Y/N snarled as he stood up, "It would be much better for a use of my time than speaking to you for the next three hours. And I would suggest fixing your hair."


"There's a piece of bacon in there."

As Y/N walked away with the intention to grab his book(a bit more filled with sass than usual), Phillip drew his lips back into an aggresive snarl as he dove his fingers into his hair, and twiddled with a small piece of bacon that he hadn't even noticed.

Of course, he assumed Y/N probably did it. Either that, or he wasn't being careful while eating like usual.

Arrogant, cold-hearted, stoic Y/N. Always there to ruin his day, or completely bum him out. If Y/N truthfully thought of Phillip as the annoying one, than surely he thought wrong.

Phillip could only hope for more luck to be recieved from the gods above.


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