Chapter 52: An Unexpected Turn.

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"Are you sure, dear?" Eliza has asked, worry clenching inside of her throat, forming a lump of concern inside of its core. Phillip nodded his head, and took another deep foward, maintaining eye contact with the light yet crystal blue eyes of his mother.

While he did resemble his father more, his mother's features had been ever present. Even with such a cocky and youthful attitude, gentleness and sweetness had sometime looked natural inside of his face.

"I don't want you to be hurt." Eliza would say, her maternal nature lingering around the words she spoke. Phillip yet again shook hishead with a rather forced smile, he did not seem irritated by his mother's worry, though he did seem insistent on speaking with Y/N. Y/N wondered whatever the hell he needed to speak with him for—though he did not say a word. "I'm fine, mom. I'm fine!" Phillip promised over and over.

"I just.. I need to talk to Y/N, and then I'll talk to you about what happened, okay?" His voice sounded soft, as if the presence of familial love had made him more prone to softness than he had usually been. Y/N had to admit, it was a rather entertaining yet endearing sight. Phillip Hamilton, a mother's boy. How delightful. Eliza only finally nodded in reply, and sighed. "Well.. alright, dear."

Phillip then looked back down at Y/N, his facial expression looking urgent as he peered down at his enemy with a cold yet light blue gaze. The tension of hatred had come back—though Y/N wasn't completely sure if it had been this. Y/N muttered to John that he would be back in a moment, keeping his composure as Phillip mumbled in a hurried tone; "Come on!"

As Y/N stood up from the couch, and began to follow Phillip toward wherever he had been leading him to, he felt Phillips freckled yet light brown hand clench onto his arm. He arched a brow, but then began to felt himself being quickly dragged into wherever Phillip had been taking him. Yet even so, he did not make a sound. Perhaps this had been petty payback for all of the times he had dragged Phillip off with him?

Oh well, he saw it as no matter. He would soon learn of whatever the hell Phillip needed to tell him.


By the time Phillip Hamilton had finally uttered a full sentence or at least a few words, it had been when Phillip had shoved Y/N into the bathroom of the house, and shut the door quietly—locking it so no one could peer in.

Before Y/N could even dare to make a sort of sarcastic remark in response to Phillips visible urgency, he felt Phillip release his hand off of Y/Ns arm. And then, Phillip proceeded to grip his hands tightly on Y/N's shoulders, giving a great sense of harshness. Had this been a confrontation? What would he be confronting him for?

Even so, Phillip's grip had been so harsh that Y/N felt himself being slightly pushed back, practically leaning against the sink Phillip had basically pinned him against. "Okay, listen here, man—that Mary Swanson chick is crazy! I've only known her for a day, and she kicked your buddy in the face! Has she been doing this sort of shit to you too?!"

"You sound almost worried." Y/N managed to choke out, a bit uncomfortable in the rather tight position Phillip had sealed him into. "I'm not!" Phillip insisted, "But—but has she been doing this shit to you too?" His voice became slightly soft toward the end, though Y/N only gave a sigh and peered down at the floor with his dark/light e/c gaze.

"Well, I have stated previously that she ruined my work merely because I minorly irritated her." Y/N said in reply, "And I do recall her attempting to punch me because I had once called her out on her rather hypocritical behavior. Though she did not succeed in doing so, as I did manage to run away before she could do anything else."

Y/N then looked up at Phillip, "But even so, why do you even care? It isn't as if you could bother to do anything about it, given that you care not for me or John. So why is it suddenly so different now? You—you punched me in the face before because I said I wouldn't duel you—"

"I—I know, man, but—" Phillip slightly grunted, yet leaned closer. "But it is different this time! That chick can't just keep gettin' away with all of that shit! I know you don't like getting involved with people who annoy you and everything, but you might have to this time, man!"

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm not just gonna sit here and let her harm you like that! I'm not just gonna stand here and let her keep hurtin' other people for no reason, i'm not that kind of guy!"

"..your need to duel me says otherwise."

Phillip then sighed, and slightly leaned back in the position he had put them both in. "Listen, i'm... I'm sorry for that."

"..your sorry?"

"Yes—yes—i'm—I'm sorry, I'm not gonna try and do that again! I just can't let her get away with all of this shit unnoticed, man. Do you really think I'd just let her hurt you or John because I don't like either of you?"

"...sometimes that's what it feels like."

Phillips expression turned into that of.. an emotion Y/N could not read for a split second, the cocky expression that had usually been present had been gone in that moment, another emotion in its place, sitting in a melancholic fashion.

Worry. Concern. Guilt. That is at least what he had looked to be feeling for a moment. Y/N doubted he felt guilty, and only theorized it in his head as possible frustration with him. Phillip wouldn't feel guilty, surely not.

"I—okay, listen—" Phillip then leaned closer yet again, "I'm not just gonna let her keep doin' this shit. Someone's gotta give her what she deserves." Phillip then slowly released his grip, making the tension Y/N had felt slowly evaporate, relaxation binding him as he suppressed a sigh of relief. "

And I'm gonna give it to her, I'll give her what she deserves." Phillip promised, "But it.. it.. feels more.. right if.. if someone were to do it with me. So.." Y/Ns gaze slowly lit up, though it had mostly been shock that overtook his face. The possibility of what Phillip had been implying with that bead of sweat dripping down his cheek had been plausible enough for Y/N to look up, and let surprise overtake him.

"So.." Y/N paused, "you.. want to work with me in order to give her what she deserves?.."

"...I believe that's what I'm sayin'."

The unexpected reply had nearly caused Y/N to jolt back, he hadn't ever expected such a sentence to leave his enemy's mouth. A bead of sweat dripped down his face, and his composure nearly faded for a split moment. What was he to do? What was he to say?

Why had Phillip wanted him to do this with him anyway?

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