Chapter 1: A Natural Rivalry Between Two Men.

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"That damned rascal.."

Y/N roughly sighed, bawling his fist up in absolute anger. He had been pranked by his forever enemy, Philip Hamilton. Again.

Staring at the coffee droplets on his chest, he groaned. It had been the same old trick again. Pouring salt into his coffee. And he had thought it wouldn't happen this time. He must've slipped some into the brown liquid and ran off while he had been talking with his father, Aaron Burr.

Y/N had been putting up with this for quite awhile now, never telling his father in fear of him starting something with Phillips father, Alexander Hamilton. He knew how common duels were nowadays, and didn't want an argument to turn into bloodshed.

Standing up from his seat, and brushing the hot liquid droplets off with a nearby napkin, he scrunched his nose. Phillip had never once thought to leave him be. Constantly talking and talking(Y/N wasn't even sure if it was on purpose or not-), and when Y/N and him weren't in the same place, he'd somehow be there a few minutes later.

'Calm yourself, Y/N. Being annoyed is unbecoming of a man such as yourself. Showing a reaction will only provoke him further.' Thought Y/N. Mature as he could be, he did often find himself very irritated by Phillips antics.

He knew this wasn't the end of his suffering for today though. He knew he would "coincidentally" run into Phillip at some point. Life punished him so many times, he just knew what to expect.


"Receiving a letter from you is a treasure, my dear Y/N. But being in the same place as you is even more delightful."

Y/N read those words out loud, holding the piece of paper in his hands. He had received a letter from his good friend, John. John had been overseas, in Paris, studying art abroad. And now, he would be returning to New York, seemingly with the intention just to see him.

Y/N groaned as he kept reading. John had always been embarrassingly affectionate over him, ever since they had met. That was one of the things Phillip had teased him over. Then again, he teased him for basically everything.

Once he finished reading, he neatly placed the letter on his desk and then searched for his own paper. Pulling one paper out from the stack of papers he had, he took out his quill and began to write his response.

The flame of the candle in the corner of the desk danced beautifully, making an orange glow hit Y/Ns face. It felt soothing to him almost, he hadn't really felt any warmth for a while now.

Y/N thought for a moment, before continuing to write. He'd usually need to think before writing, to get proper words over anyway. As he thought again, he saw a figure out his window.

It was him. Phillip.

He seemed to be happily walking a fancy looking madame home, had he finally chosen from the number of girls he had under his siren spell? Was he really capable of feeling anything other than lust and mischief?

They had faded off behind another house. And Y/N rolled his eyes, and kept writing. He didn't have any encounters with him for today, but he knew he would have to see him eventually. It was fitting, after all.

The hatred only manifested more encounters.


"Burr, sir."

That amusement filled voice chuckled from behind Y/N, causing him to slowly turn to see an all too familiar voice. Freckles, too many to count. Curly dark brown hair. Light blue eyes. Phillip Hamilton.

"Hamilton." Y/N muttered, turning to face him.

"Whats someone like you doing here? A statue like you shouldn't be on church grounds." Phillip walked closer, crossing his arms with a smug look. Y/N only raised his head, and glared down at him.

"Could say the same for you. Your presence is unholy enough." Y/N  replied, rolling his eyes. Phillip raised a brow, "Oh? Unholy? Thats the best you got? Hahaha! Oh, the only thing thats unholy is your existence."

"How so?" Y/N asked, looking a bit confused. Phillip laughed and moved closer, "I think it would have been obvious.. your very existence practically unsettles people, it's why so many of them avoid you. I figured someone from the same university as me would actually comprehend that."

Y/N fought the urge to groan or snarl. Once again, showing any reaction was unbecoming of a man like himself. If he showed any emotion, Phillip would eat that up.

"Hm. And I'd figure someone from the same university as me would comprehend the fact that his fathers a total failure." Said Y/N. Phillip flinched, "What the fuck did you just say about my pops?!" His lips drew back into a snarl.

"You heard me. I'm not going to repeat it again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to take care of-" Before the young man could walk in a different direction, Phillip got in front of him in only a few seconds.

"No, you take that back! Take it- take it back or else you won't be living to see another Sunday!" He moved in close, passionate hatred welling up inside his words. "Threatening death upon me on church grounds. How charming." Y/N muttered, before trying to leave once more.

Phillip still moved in front of him, his anger boiling like hot water. "Listen here man, I'll be seein you on the dueling grounds if you don't shut up right now!" Hatred still glimmered inside his tone, as he stared deep into Y/Ns bright/dark e/c eyes.

Y/N raised his eyebrows for a moment, before letting out a long sigh.

"Hamilton. While I do despise you, I don't see why either of us has to die. I am not going to duel you, as passionate as you seem about defending your father." He said, Phillip tried to respond, but he then received-

"Not everything can be solved with dueling, Hamilton. You have a life and dreams, i have a life and dreams. Can it really be considered fair if one of us just takes that away from one another?" Y/N inquired, tilting his head.

Phillip tried to answer, but only sounds of not put together syllables came out. "That is what I thought. I shall be attending to my business now. Good day." Y/N then left off, completely expecting Phillip to get in front of him again, but this time he didn't.

He could only hear him snarling, mumbling insult after insult. Such an immature boy. And he was only 19.

Y/N brushed it aside, he would be seeing John today after all. There was no use in worrying if John was going to be in the same place as him again.

Welp, never thought I'd be making a book for this shit again but oh well-

Letters - A Phillip Hamilton X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now