Chapter 22: A Regretful Apology

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The shelves began to fade into quick flashes of color, Y/N was barely even able to process the objects he began to pass as he was carried around by some unknown person, but he quickly realized upon seeing a light glow from behind him that he was being taken to the entrance of the library. And before he knew it—he found himself plummeting to the ground.

Y/N grunted as he fell onto the silver sheets of the rocky floor, and was met with a pair of green eyes; the librarian, oh, the librarian! He had come here only on occasions, but the librarian had never looked at him with such anger! In fact, he looked at him with a sheer amount of kindness! So why did he—

"I have had enough of you two!" The Librarian griped, "You two are banned from the library!"

"Wha—what?! But, sir—" Y/Ns pleads were quickly cut off by the Librarian shouting once more.

"No, I've had enough of you, Y/N! You should know better than to mess around with some bastard like him!" The Librarian yelled, "I knew from the beginning that son of a whore would be up to no good. If you can't make a good choice in friends, then truly, you aren't good enough!"

Y/N looked down at his legs, a twinkle of anxiety flickered in his face for a moment, he could feel himself succumbing to hyperventilating—but alas, he could not. He had to maintain his reputation as a calm and reasonable man, now wasn't the time for emotion.

"What did you just call my mom?!" Phillip growled, slightly lifting himself off the ground, he looked almost ready to fight the Librarian himself—but he was given no answer, as the door was slammed shut, and the Librarian flipped the "Open" sign to being "Closed".

"Hey, hey! You get back here!" Phillip shouted, banging on the windows of the place. Out of sheer rage, after a few moments, he just kicked the window and stomped furiously a few feet away from the door.

"I've—I've been kicked out.. the Librarian must see me as a troublesome man now, a troublemaker!.." Y/N whispered to himself, still on the ground. He rested a hand on his face, he could still feel the aching from when he had fell onto the ground beside Phillip.

"So what?!" Cried Phillip, "That man's an asshole, we should find somewhere else to go. Why do you always pick the worst places? First some fuckin' coffee shop, and now this!"

Y/N lifted himself off the ground, brushing whatever dust could have possibly collected onto his shoulders as he stood up. He could feel the slight breeze of a few winds in the hot air, yet a slight bead of sweat accumulated on his face.

"It is fine—" Y/N panted, "We shall find somewhere else to go. If this is not where we are to be for our last.. hour together, then we shall have to find somewhere else to pick. Hopefully you do not ruin that as well."

Phillip clicked his tongue furiously, and gestured with his hands; "I didn't even do anything, why the hell are you blamin' me?! Your the one who picked the place fir—"

"Please—please—" Y/Ns repetitive words began to grow into a louder tone, and then it faded into begging. "Why do you always do this?! Always puttin' the blame on me. Always—" Phillips rambling only carried on, as he found anger controlling his words, he couldn't voice his emotions properly.

As Y/N clung onto his own face, a loud sound suddenly erupted from his mouth. He had shrieked. For a split second, he had lost control, and in front of his own enemy! Anger had flickered away from his face, and anxiety grew ever present on it as he had looked into the light blue eyes of his enemy. His roaring waves of emotion had stopped, they had ceased into calmed waters.

"I—let us just go, I shall not be able to bear standing in front of this place any longer. I am not to disgrace my father any further than I have already." Y/N sighed, turning away from his enemy, his warm skin already overwhelmed him—his waterfall began to feel as if it were a caving flash flood.


"No, no. Do not talk to me. I do not wish to hear your voice anymore."


Before the men had knew it, they were at the coffee shop again, dark brown liquids sitting inside of mugs in front of them both. Y/N had ordered black coffee again, maybe just to spite Phillip, or perhaps he just hadn't had anything on his mind for the day.

Silence filled the air, and Phillip licked his lips, feeling a slight wave of warmth overcome him as he looked at Y/N. Y/N reluctantly placed the mug to his lips, and swallowed a bit of liquid from inside of it. His facial expressions hadn't held anything, even from what had happened earlier.

Phillip froze.


His voice began to speak, sounding as fragile as a vase. Y/N looked up from his mug, raising a brow, but for a slight tremor of a second, his eyes flickered with anxiety. "I do not wish to hear your voice, Hamilton, please do not speak to me any further. Have you already forgotten what I had said—"

"No, no, dumbass, I didn't forget. Stop makin' it sound like I do everything on purpose." Phillip replied, scowling at the man who had rudely spoken to him in such an aggresive yet calm and icy tone.

"With you, there is no purpose." Y/N crossed his arms, placing his mug down and looking into Phillips eyes of light blue. Y/N could have sworn his eyes almost resembled the skys color, yet they were a slightly darker shade than the sky, that was for sure.

"Listen, man. I wanted to say this—" Phillip paused, "I.."

"I'm sorry."

"...I beg your pardon?"

"I'm sorry for what happened at the library," Phillip continued with a regretful look on his face, though Y/N wasn't sure if it was for what had happened earlier or if he was embarrassed to apologize; "that was my fault, and i shouldn't have blamed you."

"This is the first time you have spoken such words, have you gone mad?" Y/N questioned, placing a hand beneath his chin and only continuing to maintain eye contact with his dear enemy whom had sat across from him.

"No—I don't believe you went mad yesterday just 'cuz you apologized, did ya?" Phillip furrowed his brow, looking a bit frustrated with him already.

Y/N did not answer.

"Your apology has been noted, and respectfully, I shall accept your words." Y/N said, his deadpan tone not shifting one bit. Phillips face slightly flickered with a moment of relief, and he placed his hands over one another in a brief attempt to move his body.

"However, your apology is not what is important to me." Y/N breathed, and looked up at the ceiling.

"We must have been seen earlier, so to make up for our public image—I have a suggestion for what we shall do in order to not be caught by your family." Y/N explained, leaning back in his chair.

"What is it?" Phillip asked.

The words Y/N spoke next left Phillip succumbing to anger once more.


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