Chapter 7: Tension.

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Y/N stared into the ocean—no, sky-colored shade of blue in Phillips hatred-filled eyes. He practically bubbled with spite, glaring down at Y/N from the staircase. Y/N only stood their, glaring back with an equal amount. The tension in the room rised.

The tension, so thick you could cut it with a knife, caused a nervous Eliza to speak. "Phillip, come down, greet your new roommate!" She tried to cheerfully say, a soft but weak smile on her motherly face. Phillip furrowed his eyebrows, and only slowly approached down the steps.

For a moment, the world went awfully silent as Y/N waited for the man to approach in front of him. And as he exited the staircase, Phillip managed a calm but icy expression. He extended his hand outwards, "Its nice to see you again. I hope you enjoy your stay."

Ah, so he was only being polite because of his family. Of course. 'What would such a brat attempt to be kind for anyway?' Y/N sighed internally, 'If this'll get me out faster, I shall play along.'

Y/N managed a polite smile and extended his hand, gripping Phillips hand in his. "It is nice to see you again too." He felt Phillips grip harden, and the tension in the room increased. Phillip practically burned a glare into Y/Ns skull, and Y/N only fantasized about his downfall as he stared right into him.

Eliza weakly attempted to smile again, and removed Phillips hand from Y/Ns. "So—how about you boys go talk with one another while I prepare dinner? It would be nice to converse with one another, right?"

"Yes, of course, mom." Phillip bowed his head in respect for his mother, but not for the man that stood in front of him. Though he smiled, the hatred in his eyes couldn't be hidden away. Y/N continued to glare back, even as they walked together to Phillips room.


"This is gonna be where you put your stuff for now, until you finally get off my ass." Phillip explained as he walked into the entrance of his room. Y/N followed him in, holding his bags in hand as he only held a hollow expression of no emotion. "Shall I put them away then?" Asked Y/N.

"If you weren't allowed to," Phillip scoffed, "I wouldn't have said this would be the place to put away your stuff."

"I suppose I made a misjudgement in you," Y/N rolled his eyes, "maybe you aren't going to be polite after all. Anything to change your family's mind, hm?" Said Y/N as he stepped over to the closet, and sinking to the floor as he rummaged through one of his bags.

"Why would I be nice to an asshole like you?" Phillip smirked as he leaned his back against the wall, only watching from in the corner of his own room.

"Why would I not be an asshole to such a haughty brat as yourself?" Y/N said back, only making Phillip roll his eyes and groan in frustration. "So, where you gonna be sleepin'?" Phillip asked, only staring at the busy man on the floor.

"And why would you be interested where I'd be sleeping?" Y/N asked. "'Cause I'd like to know where to stay away from." Phillip answered with a click of his tongue, closing his eyes as he leaned harshly against the wall.

"So your staying out of your own room then?"


Y/N paused, and repeated himself; "From what it looks like, your family doesn't own a guest bedroom. So I suppose I may be sleeping with you from now on. Though maybe not in the way you usually get people into your bed."

"That—" Phillip raised his voice, "No! There's no way, I'm not lettin' you sleep in my room, you moron!" The freckled man protested passionately as he gestured with his hands dramatically. "I don't even have two beds!"

"Which is why I'll be sleeping in yours." Y/N bluntly said, no hesitation brimming inside of him whatsoever.

"But—but couldn't you just sleep with literally anyone else?! Why me?!" The man practically whined as he continued to glare harshly into the man still unpacking. Y/N looked up from his bag, and only stared ahead with no expression.

"I doubt that they'd let me, especially considering we're the ones who are supposed to be getting along. Why do you think they'd be opposed to the thought of us sleeping with one another? Unless you plan on punching me in the face again."

Phillip was unable to find words, and groaned loudly out of sheer frustration. He stormed out of the room, and Y/N only sat there, staring after him.

Maybe Phillips behavior would earn him a higher status while in this family.


After saying goodbyes to his father, the dinner began, and the children of Alexander and Eliza Hamilton crowded around the table, chattering loudly with one another. Phillip sat among them all, not looking amused in the slightest. Especially considering Y/N was right next to him.

Y/N looked at the food Eliza had cooked, and could only feel impressed at the appearance and scent of it all. Freshly baked loads of bread, beef, stew, vegetables of all sorts. It was practically a wonder that she was so skilled at such a thing.

"So, Y/N," Alexander attempted to say as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down his face from the sheer loudness of the children around him, "what sort of things are you skilled at?"

"I'd say I'm fairly decent at painting, highly skilled at violin, and average at piano." Smiled Y/N, trying to make polite conversation with the elder man. Phillip only pouted, and grumbled in response; "I'm good at piano too." Though he might have been saying it as a contribution to the conversation, he must have been attempting to brag so he could still seem better even in a situation like this.

"Thats nice." Y/N would be rolling his eyes, insulting Phillip like usual, if it hadn't been for the Hamiltons surrounding him of course. "Are you skilled at anything other than that, Phillip?" The tone of Y/Ns voice sounded so passive, it was almost fear-inducing.

"No." Phillip gulped.

"Ah, don't worry, surely your good at something else too. At the very least, maybe you'll compose a few songs or two, if you even have the time that is." Y/N smiled, though behind his false grin was one of false-innocence and deceit.

Phillip furrowed his brows for a moment, before Y/N suddenly felt a sharp pain on his ankle. It was obvious, the male had kicked him for no apparent reason. He must have taken it as an insult. 'Good', Y/N internally exclaimed with euphoria.

Y/N did not change his expression, and only kicked Phillip back. Phillip kicked back again. In revenge, Y/N decided to raise his foot and land it onto Phillips shoe, in hopes of crushing it so he would at least submit to him somewhat.

While he didn't believe himself in need of respect from such a troubled male, his eyes burned with satisfaction when such a pride-filled man submitted to him. It amused him so, and Phillip definitely knew that.

He heard Phillip let out a sharp, but quiet exhale. He only stared back at Y/N, hatred burning like a flame in his light blue eyes.

"Phillip, son, is everything alright?" Eliza asked.

"Ye—" Phillip cleared his throat, "Yes, mom, I think—I think I may need to go to the restroom."

"Um, okay." Eliza softly said, concerned for the boy who had excused himself. As he left, Y/N found himself staring down at one of Phillips siblings(presumably).

"Why's he so mean-looking around you?" The little girl asked.

"Unsure," Y/N said, "I think your older brother doesn't like me."

"Oh, of course, he likes you, dear!" Eliza tried to reassure him, "You have to give him time to warm up to you, it takes him a bit to warm up to people."

"Yes," Alexander nodded, "my boys always been a bit troubled when it comes to speaking with other boys. I'm sure he'll come to like you eventually."

Y/N only gave a bow of his head. "Maybe he will."

If Y/N was going to get out of here, he'd have to earn the approval of his father and of the Hamilton family. If they seemingly got along enough, he'd be set free from this dome of mortal terror.

Y/N could only wait until later to see what he'd have to do in order to leave faster.


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