Chapter 16: Dinner Date

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The tranquility and peace of the atmosphere was absolutely nonexistent in the area that Phillip Hamilton and Y/N Burr sat, as they stared into eachother with roaring waves of emotion. Anger tranquilized them like a poison, and mocking felt like an effect of the horrid substance.

The two had told the waiter their order, and of course, the waiter had wondered off to give the orders to the chefs. However, the only thing that was really cooking was the burning hatred in the room. A bead of sweat trinkled down a passing waiters face, as he merely felt the tension from their area.

"For how long do you intend to stare at me so?" Y/N asked, tilting his head, though he knew exactly how his enemy whom he despised so much would answer.

"How long are you gonna keep starin' at me?" Phillip smirked, "Feels almost like you like me or somethin'."

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a horrid thing," Y/N sighed, "do you truly believe me to lack that much intelligence?" Phillip seemed in thought for a moment, before answering back; "Eh, you don't seem that smart. So maybe I do."

Y/N grumbled lowly in reply, and bowed his head as he looked back at his book. "What purpose do you serve?" The question made Phillip tilt his head, seemingly confused from the sudden question.

"Do you exist merely to make my live a living hell?" Said Y/N, "Or do you perhaps exist to only darken the days of everyone around you?"

Phillip clicked his tongue, "I take it that your attempting to insult me."

"For what else would I be attempting to speak to you?" Y/N growled, tilting his head out of curiosity.

"I dunno," Phillip leaned back in his chair, "I honesty can never tell."

"But listen man," Phillip gestured with his hand, "I don't need a purpose. I can exist on my own, I don't have to have some kind of crazy thing I have to do when I'm older. Why do you act like this is some type of fantasy book or somethin'?"

"I simply see no meaning in your existence," Stated Y/N bluntly, "nor anyone else in your family for that matter."

A burning fire of spite slightly burnt inside of Phillips eyes for a moment, and he leaned foward with a growing bonfire fo hatred inside of his face. "If you see no meaning in mine, then what's the meaning of yours?!" He asked rather quietly.

"...I do not believe I understand." Y/N calmly replied.

"If I don't have a purpose, then what's yours? Surely, you have some sort of meaning in your life if your so insistent on me not having one!" Phillip held a false smile, wildfires of spite grew inside of his body language and tone.

"I exist to serve and protect my father, and my beloved sister. I am in no need of help or respecting, for as long as they may live, I feel at ease and purpose. I'd assume if you had a purpose, yours would be that to merely make your father proud of you." Y/N explained, calmly staring into Phillips growing light blue eyes of hate.

"Well maybe I do have a purpose!" Phillip protested with a hit of his fist on the table, "You don't know anything about me."

"I don't believe I'd like to." Y/N closed his eyes, "Simply knowing anything about you is a burden of its own."

"Of course it is, everything about me is a burden to you, isn't it?!" Phillip growled, anger growing in his voice. "Yes, if your not deaf, I basically just told you that." Y/N leaned foward, as if to further provoke his point.

Frustration broke into a sigh, and Phillip looked at Y/N as if he was almost pleading to know something; "Whats your deal?! I don't understand why your like this! I've never even—"

"Dont try to ignore what you've done. Pranking me, teasing me, tormenting me for months on end—yet you act like your innocent! Even now, a man such as yourself never fails to surprise me." Y/N softly said, only resulting in a groan from Phillip.

"Well, why do you ignore what you've done then?!"

"..I do not believe I understand what you say."

"Always attempting to best me at things in college—"

"Merely because you were attempting to do so as well—"

"Always being rude for no reason, even though I didn't even do anything to you then!"

"Your mere presence was a nuisance, and now, you are not denying anything you've done to me? For what logic do you live by—"

"Gentle— Gentlemen!"

A waiter stood at the front side of the table, looking at the violent-eyed men whom stared at eachother so; the violence and hatred inside of their eyes grew to a halt once they had found themselves staring at the waiter.

"Your.. I brought your food, please, for the love of.."

As Y/N frantically apologized to the waiter, Phillip could only wonder where exactly this was going to go.


For a few minutes, the men had sat in silence as they stared down at their food and not at eachother. Y/N had set his book aside, and began to eat the steak on his plate, politely placing its pieces inside of his mouth. While Phillip only messed around with the soup he had ordered, seemingly in thought.

"For why do you play with your food so? You are not a child, Hamilton." Y/N questioned, raising a brow in confusion at the mere sight of his enemy being suspiciously quiet.

Phillip stayed quiet for a moment, before answering with; "I don't understand you.."

Y/N paused.

"I don't believe I quite understand myself either."

"What does that mean?" Phillip asked.

"Just as much as you dont see my reasons for why I do what I do or why I say what I say, I also don't see my reasons. I surely do exist for the sake of protecting my family, however.. I cannot understand why I do anything else. Nor do I understand why i even bother speaking to you." Y/N stated, setting down his fork.

"Gee, thanks." Phillip said, his voice toned with sarcasm.

It went silent between the both of them for a moment.

"I.. deeply apologize for my words. I might have been a bit cruel without meaning to." Y/N bowed his head, setting his hands on his lap.

"Your.. apologizing?" Phillip looked almost in disbelief.

"Yes, if you have ears, that is what I did." Y/N rolled his eyes, red slightly coated his cheeks, as if he were embarrassed to even apologize to the enemy in front of him.

Phillip sighed, "No need to. I might have been.. a bit rude as well."

"I would be thinking that you would have loved to hear me apologize to you, after all, you seem rather intent on seeing my moments of weakness." Y/N seemed confused at the sight of Phillip even portraying any emotion other than euphoria at such a rare encounter.

"No," Phillip denied, "I don't like hearing you apologize. It doesn't suit you."

"I don't think you apologizing suits you either." Y/N repeated back at him, after all, he wasn't expecting such a thing.

Y/N Burr had no idea for what he was being to do after the three-hour session of time spent together was over, possibly even a two-hour one now that they've been here for quite a while. Possibly, maybe he could tell John about this.

But how would John react when Y/N told him Phillip actually.. well, kind of, apologized to him? He hadn't been expecting it himself either.


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