Chapter 47: Conflicts.

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Y/N had watched, carefully plucking pieces of the food he ordered with his fork, and biting down onto it gently. Though his facial expression quickly grew into that of disgust once he had layed his eyes upon how his enemy had chosen to eat his two steaks, rabidly chomping into them like he had been malnourished and starving for food for years. He had almost acted as if he had rabies, with the way his face looked as he ate it.

"Are you really going to consume your food like that in front of me?"

"Sorry," Phillips speech was muffled, "this annoying you?"

"...why would it not be?"


Phillip continued to hungrily bite into his food with a tight chomp onto the greasy material, the chewy dark red material of his two steaks had practically made its scent known. Y/N could barely hear anything over Phillips noises of consuming his food—and only stared with a deadpan look. "Do you intend on doing this the entire time?"

"If it's annoying you, maybe."

"...thank you for your kind consideration. I shall let your women know of your kindness, maybe even your companions—"

"Do it," Phillip shrugged with a smug smirk, "who's gonna believe you?"

" is at times like this I must remind you of my deep hatred for you."

"...I hate you too, man."

Y/N only sighed in reply, and set his fork down, crossing his arms as he tried to look away from the disgusting scene unfolding in front of him. He looked to the umbrella upon the table, desperately keeping his eyes off of Phillips irritating sense of consuming his food.

How come such a charismatic man and such a casanova be capable of being so gross? Had his aura really fooled people that much? Or could it have possibly been because of which blood he had been connected to?

For a moment, the grotesque noises had ceased, but Y/N hadn't been bothered enough to gaze at Phillip to see what he had possibly been doing. He heard a slight clink, and assumed it to possibly be whatever silverware Phillip had decided to barely use. He must have been an animal, with his natural way of eating being to use his hands. How on earth had Phillips father expected them to get along?

He had considered opening his mouth to insult and berate Phillips father once more, though he had stopped. He had to admit, Phillips reactions to when he did insult his father had either been horrifying or pleasantly amusing, or maybe the slightest bit of entertained. But, he didn't want to deal with Phillip possibly getting furious, and pinning him against something again, so he did not oblige to what he wanted.

"How come I only ever see you hangin' out with that John guy?"

"..why do you wish to know?"

Phillip slightly leaned his elbow against the table, and rested his chin upon his right hand, no expression being made as he raised a brow. Had he been genuinely curious, or was he furious because of the sheer presence of Y/N? Y/N only sighed, and waited for Phillip to reply.

"Eh, I don't ever know shit about you unless I ask you directly—so mind not bein' a douchebag for a change and tellin' me why you only hang out with one person?"

Y/N had only rolled his eyes, and slightly leaned over to make more direct eye contact with his blue-eyed enemy, he had noticed oddly enough that for a moment the sun had been shining upon his enemy's lips slightly—yet he continued to speak anyway, slightly struggling to keep his eyes off of the bright light that had glowed upon his enemy's face.

"For one, unlike you, I do not possess the ability to make companions wherever I go—"

"Heh, I'm flatter—"

"Shut up. And another thing, I am unable to see why I would make companions with rather.. unpleasant people. You always hang around rowdy people—loud enough to even make my ears bleed. And you always flirt with women—for what purpose exactly? I do not know, I am either guessing your doing it because your genuinely that desperate for a woman to like you, or your doing it to show off how 'cool' you are."

"Gee, touchy much?" Phillip slightly frowned, he didn't seem genuinely hurt, though rather surprised by the sudden burst of irritation from his normally calm enemy. "And besides, who needs more companions when you've got a perfectly normal person by your side? John is much better than your so called companions, I assure you." Y/N slightly gestured with his hand.

"Well, excuse me—have you ever hung out with anyone other than your family and your one friend for once? Let alone even talked to anyone?" Phillip said, most likely in an attempt to equally harm his enemy just as much. Y/N rested a hand on his cheek, "I beg your pardon, but even though I may rarely be of any talk, I at least follow the reasonable thing to do and hang around actual normal people."

"And I assure you," Y/N snarled, "I do not need any more companions than I already have. My family is here, John is here. Who says I need anymore? It doesn't matter what I want, as long as I have the people I truthfully need—"

"Well, what do you want, man?!" Phillips voice had slightly raised in volume.

"...I do not know what you mean."

"You go on and on about how your family and that John guy is what you need—but what about what you want? Do you even have any wants at all?"

"..why do you need to know what I want? You have no reason to want to know such a thing."

"I just wanna know why you are the way you are!"


"Have I not given you an answer to such a question al—"

"You never give any direct answer, man—I want you to give a real answer!"

"..why do you insist on your enemy opening up to you? To your enemy telling you personal things about himself?" Y/Ns voice had been calm like usual, though anger had been visibly present in it as well, icy—like calm before the storm.

"I—" Phillip paused and then sighed, "I don't want you to open up to me, I just wanna understand you."

" that not basically the same thing?"

"Just answer!" Phillip had practically yelled that, earning a few glances from passers-by.

"..I do not need to open up to you," Anger began to slowly build up in Y/Ns tone, "I do not need to tell you things that you already know over and over again!" Y/N paused and sighed, "If your doing this to mess with me, then for the first time in a bit, I sincerely applaud you." Y/N slowly clapped, though Phillips expression looked genuinely confused.

"I—I'm not doin' this to mess with you."

"Oh, please. Don't bother giving me that."

"What do you mean don't give you that? Just—just give me a direct answer for once, stop hiding things from me!"

"And why would I not hide things from my enemy?!"

For the first time in a bit, Phillip did not answer.


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