Chapter 20: A Heaven of Words.

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The yellow tinted streets were scattered with joyful citizens and chattering folks alike, some smiling and laughing, some looking blankly as they walked along the loudest street in the world. Or that what's Y/N felt it to be, with its crashing wave of cheers and frantic talking.

His hand had been clenched tightly onto Phillips arm again as he pushed himself through the bustling crowd, only finding himself plunging into an open area yet again. He had to find a way around the line of people walking somehow, or he'd be forced to move along the wall of a building again.

He could hear Phillip Hamiltons harsh breathing behind him, and he could feel his hands forming beads of sweat as he continued to scatter along the floors of silver-gray. Light blue from the sky glowed down upon him, and for a moment, he looked as if he were a holy figure in a Church.

"Geez man!" He cursed in his raspy breath, "Why do you go so fast?" His complaint was enough to make even Y/N hold back a groan, how had he dealt with such an irritating man? Let alone even survive with him.

"Because I do not wish to be pulled apart and mutilated in that chaotic of a crowd," Answered Y/N, "for what do you suppose I would go so quickly?" Phillip paused, and only looked around the streets furiously as if searching for an answer.

"I dunno man!" Phillip yelled, "Its hard to find reason with you."

"I could say the same for you, maybe we do have a lot more in common than you think." Y/N said, his voice toned with light sarcasm and laced with an angered tone. He looked along the glass windows of the buildings he passed, a poster advertising the beach that he would pass occasionally in this city.

He could hear the faint sound of a girl behind him, her feminine voice shouting in an innocent tone; "Phillip!" He had felt Phillip turned around, and he felt his body become heavy with discuss as he heard the close sound of a "Muah!" from Phillip. He had blown a kiss to a girl, presumably one of the ones who liked him.

"Why do you waste your time on such a thing?"


He had said that out loud.


There was no point in correcting himself, Phillip had heard him, so it was only correct to answer.

"Women. Females. For why do you waste your times on them so? Do you benefit from their attention, their affection, whatever they may give you in return for you words?" Y/N asked, slightly turning his head to look into Phillips eyes of light blue.

"No—no, man, I don't think you get it." Phillip breathed, his panting becoming slightly lighter as Y/N began to gently slow down. His quick walk had finally turned into a normal one; rather his brisk had finally turned into just a walk.

"What is it that I am not getting?"

"They love me, dude—thats why. Why else would i hang around them so much?"

"I do not believe that. If they adored you so, surely you would have had a wife by now."

"Hey!" Phillip gasped in offense, "Just 'cuz i don't have a wife doesn't mean I won't have a girlfriend! I have multiple right now."

"In your fantasies, maybe."

"Excuse me?"

"You know damn well what I said, Hamilton. Do not make me repeat myself. All I am saying is that if they really adored you with such passion as you adore them, surely it would have been obvious. And surely, you would have been with someone by now."


Phillip had gone quiet.

And then Y/N stopped in his tracks, making Phillip slightly yell as he gently bumped into the shorter male. "Look, I believe this is the place i had desired to go to. You might as well lower your voice as you step inside—after all, you wouldn't long to get in trouble with your father, would you?" The building had stood in front of them,  heavy in its stance.

"No—I wouldn't ever dream of it." Phillip answered, averting his gaze.

"Then let us head in, shall we?"


"A library, really?"

That had been what came out of Phillips mouth, his lips of cherry pink. All around the two had been endless shelves, holding several and multiple books inside of divergent colors and genres—some were divided into areas of their own, for people to slip out a book of their own preference.

Y/N quickly shushed the man behind him, and furrowed his brows sternly; "If you do not wish to be in trouble, you may as well not talk at all." Whispered Y/N, "This is where we shall be staying for the last few hours of our time together, so do not make it hell for me, will you?"

"Okay, fine, but why here?!" Phillip whisper-shouted, "Couldn't we have gone literally anywhere else?"

"Anywhere else would have either made me feel sick to my stomach, or it would have reminded me of the fact that I am staying with you for a total of 5 months. Your place of choosing would have probably been a nuisance anyway." Y/N whispered back.

A shush sounded from behind two shelves, and the two only nodded, as if that person was right in front of them. They then looked at eachother for a moment, Phillips eyes of light blue roaring like a hurricane, like a dazzling—no, dangerous ocean.

Phillip then looked down at his arm, as if to point to it; Y/N bowed his head down at where he had placed his eyes, and made no change to his expression once he saw what it had been.

His hand, still clenched upon Phillips arm. Slowly, he slipped his palm off of Phillips arm, and only looked up at him with no emotions in his glance. "Apologies, I did not realize His Majesty had added requirements to the library." He whispered.

Phillip rolled his eyes at that sarcastic remark, and crossed his arms. He said nothing for a moment and glared down, and then he said; "Well? Are you just gonna keep standing there or are you gonna actually show me why you decided to take me here?"

"Had i not been exhausted enough already, I would have stood just to infuriate you even more. But alas, I feel myself succumbing to a deep slumber, and I shall faint if I stand a minute longer." Y/N replied, taking a step closer to Phillip.

"What does any of that mean?" Phillip raised a brow as he continued to glare down at his smaller enemy.

"None of your concern, now come on." Y/N then tugged upon Phillips sleeve, and clenched his hand around his arm yet again, proceeding to plunge him foward into the depths of the library. "Oh come on!" Phillip complained as he helplessly fell into the shadows and scents of infinite books.

The two heard a shush yet again.

"Sorry!.." "Apologies.." They both whispered at the same time.


Letters - A Phillip Hamilton X Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن