Chapter 61: A Sisters Assistance.

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When Theodosia finally drew closer to Mary, Mary's brows furrowed, and her piercing blue gaze deepened with an almost animalistic rage. Her lips drew back into a snarl, as they often did—for any life-form other than herself disgusted her. Y/N watched closely, his eyes fixed upon the scene. And as if mirroring his enemy's movements, Phillips eyes were fixed upon the scene too.

Neither Phillip or Y/N could hear Theodosia from the distance she was at, but seemingly she began to talk to Mary. They couldn't see Theodosia's face, for her back was turned to them, but they could certainly see Mary's expressions. Mary's mouth opened, and seemingly, she was responding to whatever Theodosia was saying to her. But as the conversation between them appeared to continue, a bead of sweat trickled down Mary's face—and she glanced away, gulping a little.

What had it been Theodosia was telling her? Y/N himself didn't know—for even he could not predict such a thing from a distance. Though it easily could have been anything given how Mary was reacting to what Theodosia was saying.

Mary then appeared to clear her throat, and sighed, saying something to Theodosia, her mouth forming the syllables she was saying. Swiftly then spinning on her heel, Theodosia turned back to face both Y/N and Phillip, though she then glanced back at Mary. Y/N couldn't hear her voice over the chattering of the nearby crowds—but with an oddly.. blank and eerily calm look in her eyes, she was smiling and saying something.

Of course, Y/N recognized that look. It was a look he himself bore many times.

He only smirked to himself as Theodosia finally began to walk back toward the both of them, and as Mary began to walk off into a different direction.

The familiar sparkle in Theodosia's wistful gaze finally returned, and her smile turned more genuine, the slight crinkles on her cheeks as she grinned making her appear like a jolly child. Once she finally got at a closer distance, she uttered with a simple cheerful inflection at the end of her tone, "Well, I did it!"

"Did what?" Phillip inquired—Y/N was about to shoot him a glare for asking such an odd question.

"I convinced her to go to a resturant. You—You know that nearby steakhouse place, right? I told her to go down there." Replied Theodosia, "So you should be able to do whatever you plan on doing next now."

Phillip was about to open his mouth to say something, though Y/N cut in, simply saying, "Why, thank you ever so much, Theodosia. I could not imagine what we possibly would have done without your assistance."

"I.. shall repay you for this later, I promise you. But I believe we are in a hurry, so I shall do it when 'later' comes." Y/N states, glancing at the ground with a somewhat solemn tone. He then glanced up, a small hint of hope within them, "Once again, I thank you."

"No need to thank me. I'm just happy to be able to talk to you again." Theodosia responded, her tone still soft and gentle as it always was.

Y/N only chuckled softly. "You've always been so selfless, have you not? A trait an individual like myself has never shown.."

Theodosia raised a brow. "What.. does that mean?"

Y/N then let his arm yank foward, and his hand gripped Phillips arm. "I believe we shall be going now, but.. I bid you an adieu. Farewell, Theodosia."

"Wha—hey, what do you—" He heard Phillip sputter from behind him, as if already he knew what was coming.

Theodosia stared, but only replied with a simple laugh after a hesitant smile beared itself on her lips, "Farewell, Y/N."

Then, with his feet rushing foward, smacking harshly against the ground, Y/N began to drag Phillip behind him, who began to yelp helplessly against the rushing winds against his skin. From behind him, Y/N heard his sister yell, "I'll try to see if I can contact you later, okay?"

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