Chapter 27: Enough.

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As Phillip pressed his fingers along the keys, the long slender shape of them began to rapidly dance along the side of the piano he had sit in front of; producing music so intense, yet so beautiful. Had rage drove him mad? Was this what rage sounded like? If so, Y/N did ponder why it was so elegant sounding.

"What song is this?" Y/N softly asked, still not placing his fingers upon the keys as he continued to stare at the enemy whom he had sat down next to. "This isn't a song." Phillip replied, "I'm improvising." The confession had made Y/N raise a brow, was he saying this just to impress him or was he being serious?

In any case, Y/N did not say a word back, and placed his fingers upon the side of the piano keys he had sat in front of. And he began to delicately stroke them so; beautiful music lightly coming out, it sounded solid, though more gentle than Phillips sounds of melodies.

Phillip paused, and then began to play lighter notes, as if to match the tone Y/N had set. The rage-filled music that had come from the piano had changed into a more lonesome, grieving tone. Minor keys, major keys collected together into one song of sadness.

Phillip, for a moment, directed his gaze to Y/N who kept slowly playing the keys. Soft, gentle melodies caused by his slender fingers, corrupting into a depressing tone. Phillip had played all of his piano music with his mother—yet he did wonder, had all Y/N played, did he play alone?

Phillip scoffed at such a thought, of course someone like Y/N would be alone. He was Y/N Burr. An emotionless, wooden doll with no thoughts or feelings. And he was Phillip Hamilton, a man who could act like a real human being.

There was nothing redeeming about his enemy. Nothing.


Phillip Hamilton softly wondered through the rooms of his very house, and could feel himself alone with his thoughts. He had paced the house, hands behind his back, and him only making slight expressions at the words his thoughts had said. Y/N ached at the back of his mind. He hadn't said a word to him once they were done playing, and only wondered off mysteriously.

Even after Phillips cries of telling him to come back, he would not listen, and only ignored his pleads. He had never met such a strange man in his life, such a ignorant and emotionless man. Intelligence, maturity, that's what he thought he had—yet that only felt like he was seeing all his flaws through blinding glasses.

As Phillip stepped inside of his living room, he had noticed his dear enemy upon the couch, sitting directly in the middle of it. He looked rather.. puzzled, as he scanned the words of a random book. It looked familiar, had it been a book he owned?

Curiosity flickered in his gaze, so with a sigh, he asked; "And what are you doing?"

Y/N made no flinch or no change in expression, and only looked up from the very few pages of the book. "I had found this book in your closet. What is this and why do you own it?" Y/N asked, the puzzled expression on his face not leaving.

"You were searching in my closet? Why?" Phillip questioned as he approached to get a closer look at whatever book his dear enemy had been holding in his hands. "That isn't any of your concern. I just want to know why you own such a grammatically incorrect book with poorly drawn illustrations." Y/N replied.

Grammatically incorrect.. poorly drawn.. wait—

"Oh—oh shit—" Phillip cursed as a deep red flushed his face—suddenly, he extended his arm rapidly and forced the book out of Y/Ns hands. "You—don't go snooping through my shit, this is private!"

"Your—why on earth would such a poor substance be wasted inside of your closet? It isn't as if it has any potential, why not just throw it out?" Y/N still had a puzzled expression, leaving his arms crossed, as he did not seem phased by Phillips sudden actions.

"This—This is—This is my diary from when I was a kid! Why are you reading it?!" Phillip only flushed a deeper red upon realizing the mistake of confessing such a thing. "Oh," Y/Ns puzzled face had faded, "so that explains it."

"No it doesnt!" Phillip snarled on a rather whiney manner, lightly smacking Y/N on his shoulder with the very book. For a moment, he swore he could have seen a rather small glimmer of amusement in Y/Ns face.

"If you did not wish for me to see such a thing, then why didn't you just throw it out a long time ago?" A dry tone filled Y/Ns voice as he continued to look up at Phillip. "'Cuz I didn't ever think you were going to!" Defended Phillip in a child-like tone.

"You did not ever tell me you had been obsessed with love ever since you were young," remarked Y/N, "why did you go to such lengths just to impress a girl? Is this what a charmer such as yourself used to be like?"

"Shut up!" Whined Phillip.

Y/N felt himself succumbing to laughter, though he held it back, and only held a quivering smile of amusement on his face. "Maybe you do have some redeeming qualities after all, even if it is being rather ignorant."

Phillip only told the man to 'shut up' again, and only held the book close to his chest.

"Do not fret." Y/N sighed in a rather soft yet cold tone, "I shall not tell anyone of this. You may be rather laughable, but I could understand the pain of being embarrassed."

"Its not like i thought you were going to," Groaned Phillip, " were you thinking of that?"

"No, but I predicted you would most likely end up saying that. Either way—I did get a good laugh out of such a rather interestingly put together book, so do not feel too embarrassed about such a thing." Y/N softly said while looking up at Phillip.

"I'm not embarrassed.." Phillip whined quietly, as if denying it would do anything.

"Your expression says otherwise. I do not believe anyone would be so red if they weren't embarrassed." Y/N remarked, though he only continued to blankly look up at the man.

Phillip widened his eyes for a moment, and then only hid his face away, or at least attempted to as he looked away. Y/N looked down at his lap, and then let out a gentle sigh of exhaustion.

"If it makes you feel any better, i... I had read a line that your child-self had written down. You had gone on about.. wanting to make your father proud and had asked if practicing would make you enough for him." Phillip looked back at Y/N, slight horror flickering in his face.

"But.. even as your enemy, if this coming from your enemy makes you feel any better at all, I believe your enough." The dry, yet soft tone was enough to make Phillip flinch but the words were enough to make him shout in disbelief. Had Y/N gone mad? Hadn't he hated him? So why..

Why had he said that?


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