the attack II

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Third person pov:

Charlie then went to Jschlatt.  He knocked on the door and opened to see that Jschlatt wasn't there.

" Sir ??" Charlie asked. But there was no sign of him. Then he went to look around and saw the paper. He picked it up. He began to read it. His eyes were widen.

" What ?..." He said. Then he felt someone was next to him. He then turned around. The door was being lock. He ran to the door and hit the door hard with his bare hand. " H-hey !" He yelled.

" Let me out !!" He yelled again.

He slowly sat down as the paper fell out from his hand.

" You will pay... You little traitor..."

" S**t s**t s**t ..." He said. Then he looked at the window to see Karl ?


Karl after spoke with Puffy and Hannah about the drop off from school. He managed to make them agree. Hannah found Karl's excuse was... Kinda off but she still agreed with it. Puffy was thinking and thinking. She was thinking from head to toes. She finally at the last choice. She agreed to let Karl drop out.

Karl walked out then walked away , his direction seemed to be off... He didn't walk to the house but he walked to the opposite way !

He walked and walked until he saw a window. His mind ' bingo !'

He went to the window and saw Charlie sat down. Karl looked at him. Then charlie lifted his head up to see Karl. Charlie was shocked and he walked to the window.

Once Charlie opened the window but it was locked, Kate showed up out of no where.

" Hello !" Kate said.

Karl and Charlie flinched and yelled. " Kate !!!"

" Oh... Not in the mood ?" Kate asked. "Karl sighed. Kate then pulled out the key and unlock the window. " Ta-da !!" She said. Charlie then went outside and said.

" Jschlatt knew "

Karl and Kate looked at Charlie with widen eyes. " Hah... I know it I mean... If he didn't found it , he wouldn't be work here " Kate said. Karl thought a bit.

" So... If he ... Isn't here and only you-"
" No ... There was someone next to the door " Charlie cut Karl off.

Karl sighed. " What I mean is...." He paused a bit. Charlie and Kate looked at each other then moved to Karl.

" Don't tell me that .. he went to attack the school right now ?" Charlie and Kate asked at the same time. " That would be in my mind too..." Karl said.

" Oh no !!" The three yelled.


" What ?? What about your time travel power ??? Is it already for you to expect it ??" Charlie asked. " No ! It's actually the opposite of this when I went and saw it. It was supposed to be the day after tomorrow!" Karl said.

Kate sighed." Look ... Sometimes... You act will change the timeline " Kate said.

" Damn it damn it !!" Karl said. " It's totally my fault!!" Karl said. Kate and Charlie looked at each other. " I- ... I .. I was just so confident with my plan that I foresight but now ... It is a totally a disaster !" Karl said.

" Look Karl... We can fix this and beside ... Let's hope that he won't attack today " Kate said. Karl thought a bit.

' so... It this plan fails , that would be mean that the sacrifice will fail too ' Charlie thought. His thought now , was full of release but somehow... There was a problem... Something told Charlie that the sacrifice plan will work somehow... But Charlie can change it , right ?


Sapnap and Quackity looked at Orenda and Chandra with a serious face. Sapnap was as in some general outfit with mustache ? And while Quackity was in soldier 's outfit.

" Listen lady and gentleman!" Sapnap said. Orenda, Chandra and Quackity listened stop him.

" We are released that Karl , papa is back right ?" Asked Sapnap.

" Yessir!" Quackity yelled. While Orenda and Chandra was confused but nodded.

" But there are some suspicious of him... "

" Sir what do you mean ??" Quackity asked Sapnap.

" After his journey, he now acted weird like he found something that will happen in the future and also ! Who did he send the letter to ? Is it perhaps a ... Another lovers ?" Sapnap said with serious face.

Quackity and Orenda had a shocking expression while Chandra will still confused.


George sat down on the hill. He looked at the sky but then he heard some strange noise. George stood up and went to check . He was near at the sound. He gave a peek... To his surprised... It was Jschlatt???


Jschlatt pulled out the alcohol and finished it in a minute as he pulled out the other one.

" Jschlatt... You should quit drinking" Ted said as he counted the bottle.

" Who are you ? My mom ? Tch !" Jschlatt began to drink. " Even my mom, I didn't listen to her and what make you think that I'll listen to you ?" Jschlatt asked then finished the bottle.

" Look sir... Tomorrow... We will attach the school and you can't just sit here and drink ! What would happen if you still drunk in the morning and mess all of our plan ?" Ted asked. Jschlatt pulled out the other bottle and drank.

" Look... Ted... I am not a loser like you who can't even handle a single alcohol" Jschlatt then finished the bottle already. " Well... I am just saying" Ted said.

Ted was only speaking but he cannot do anything but had to watch Jschlatt drank every beers. Ted sighed. " Don't say that I warn you , Jschlatt " Ted glared at him.

Jschlatt glared back. " Since when you have some confident to talk to me like that !" Jschlatt yelled as he threw it to Ted.

The bottle didn't hit Ted but hit the tree instead, the breaking glass was flying and cut some Ted face.

Jschlatt glared at him. " Leave before I throw another bottle at your head " he said and glared at Ted.

Ted nodded his head and walked away.

" Those stupid ! He is only the pain in my a** !" Jschlatt yelled and pulled out the other bottle and finished it up.


George was running. He found himself running away but from who ?


Right... Running away from Jschlatt...


Ahh !! Sorry guy for this late upload. Sometimes I forgot that I have some books to finish !!

So so so sorry !! And beside... Now I change ... I hope. But the update will be on Friday ... If only I have time for this. If you don't see a new chapter come up on Friday then you might have to wait on Sunday!! And that's all !!

And also !! Sorry once again !!

Sorry if I have a mistake.

Don't forget to eat and drink

Bye !
Good morning
Good night
Or good night everyone!! ( Sweet dream !! )

1120 words

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