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"Pathetic... disappointing, he's missing the whole show, I've only just started and the kid just faints," the demon grumbled to himself, visibly pissed off, apparently he enjoyed torturing my best friend more when his lover was watching. Jackson tried valiantly to stifle any whimpering, even though he was clearly in pain, but it seemed he was already used to the ordeal and knew that giving Asmodaeus the satisfaction of his cries of pain would only make it worse. The demon did not wait long and immediately took his frustration with Sehun out on his victim. A dagger that had been lying in the cupboard made of rotten wood flew into his hand as he held it out in his direction and immediately began to glow. He ran the tip, already orange with heat, almost tenderly across Jackson's face, so slowly that you could hear the sizzle of the hot metal on Jackson's skin and I felt sick. It reminded me of burning my own body not 2 hours ago, but that was just my dead body, I hadn't felt any of it, but Jackson felt everything....

I was so proud of him that he bore it with clenched teeth. Unsatisfied, the demon now drove the dagger across Jackson's chest, letting it cut deeper into his flesh, leaving a gaping wound that burned at the edges. It looked like he was trying to draw some mysterious rune on him, which must have been true, because no sooner had he finished his work than flames shot out of the trail of burnt, open skin, slowly having more and more effect on Jackson as he almost bit his lip off trying to stifle his whimpering, which he was finding increasingly difficult to do.

"You know, you... you're pretty tasteless... we'd better add some salt..." Asmodaeus said with a grin and let white powder trickle into the wound, but Jackson only gave a short hiss.

"And you could get a little hotter too." I could only assume that the red powder was now chili. Jackson closed his eyes and grimaced painfully, still not ready to give up, and I admired and pitied him. He was doing this for my brother so he wouldn't be hurt, but I was starting to feel worse and worse. I was supposed to be the one protecting my little brothers.

"Are you sure everything will be back on tomorrow?" I asked Ravn again and he nodded.

"Yes, why? What are you up to?" he asked me in alarm, but by then I was already whistling.

"Hey, you there... Fifi... Come sit down and leave poor Jackson alone." I spoke to Asmodaeus like a dog to get him really angry with me, but he just grinned at me with a sneer.

"You want to play along? Fine by me, but you've got something much better I can break you with. Jacky here, just doesn't want me to torture his little one, but he wouldn't mind if he became a ghost... But you, you're afraid for his life," he said with a nasty grin, stepping in front of Sehun and bending down to pick up Jackson's penis from the floor. With a bit of momentum, he slapped it against both sides of Sehun's cheeks and giggled like a madman.

"Come on, princess, wake up... you don't want to die asleep, do you?" he asked, laughing, while Sehun didn't move. Sulking, the demon thought about the best way to wake him up and when he had an idea, his face lit up.

"Hold on a minute." he said with a nasty grin and stuck Jackson's penis into Sehun's mouth, which he had previously opened with two fingers and it looked as if he had a somewhat limp cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth, which made Asmodaeus giggle again and made me stare at him speechlessly.

"What, don't tell me he didn't already have it in his mouth anyway?" asked the demon, who now took a bucket that was standing in a corner and filled it with water from an old, rusty tap.

"You are so sick and mentally deficient cockroach." I tried to provoke him further so that he would take my turn, but he just grinned dirty before he poured the contents of the bucket over Sehun's head, who tried to inhale in horror but was prevented from doing so by the penis in his mouth. Snorting, he spat it out and raised his head with a panicked look.

"Well look... Our new teammate has woken up." Asmodaeus rejoiced and I widened my eyes in pure horror. Just as the demon was about to grab Sehun, a blinding flash suddenly hit him and I saw my youngest brother storm in the door... his eyes suddenly took on a reddish color and his aura became menacing...

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