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I stared angrily at this Asmodaeus, wanting so much to wipe that grin off his face. At that moment, I didn't even care what he was and that I should be scared as uncontrollable rage coursed through my veins. Jimin, who had been holding me, let go of me abruptly as he looked at me.

"San... what's wrong with your eyes?" he asked distractedly, causing me to blink in confusion. Everyone's eyes were on me now, but whatever Jimin had seen seemed gone again now that no one was looking at me the way he was.

Asmodaeus took advantage of the fact that the general attention was no longer on him and in one swift motion, pulled me out the door with him.

"If you want your brother back alive, then you come to me Seokjin willingly." he spoke coldly smiling in Jin's direction before simply picking me up and running with me to the stairs.

Taehyung, who was just coming up the stairs, looked back and forth between me and Asmodaeus in irritation and seemed to realize directly that I was in danger, which is why he didn't hesitate for a second to rush towards us, his face showing an iron determination. Asmodaeus suddenly had a dagger in his hand, which he held threateningly to my throat.

The sharp blade was already digging slightly into my skin and scattered drops of blood were making their way down my neck. With wide, frightened eyes, I saw my best friend stop and a jolt ran through his body. The expression in his eyes went completely blank until his pupils turned flaming red and time, which had just seemed to stand still, started moving again.

The dagger flew over the banister in a high arc and the demon smacked against the wall behind him.

"Don't you dare touch him again, Asmodaeus," my best friend said coldly and menacingly as I stared at him open-mouthed.

Coughing and laughing, the demon picked himself up.

"Look who's awake. Still so strong, little Taehyung.... but don't think you can beat me, I'm much older and way ahead of you... and you won't be able to protect him from me forever." Asmodaeus said, amused, before vanishing into thin air.

Completely caught off guard, I suddenly felt weak, my head was buzzing, my knees were weak and the overwhelm of what had happened made me slump. Taehyung rushed to me with a worried expression and held me.

"My prince, are you hurt?"

"Tae... what's wrong with you? What was that? Why are your eyes glowing red and why did you know that guy's name? And why the hell are you calling me Prince?" I wanted to know from him, slightly upset.

"You'll soon understand everything, I don't have time to explain it now, I have to wake up the other guards. But do you remember how you always complained that I was overprotective of you and always wanted to protect you? Well, it just turns out it's my destiny. Your mother created me the moment you took your first breath."

His answer confused me even more, but he just set me back on my feet and smiled encouragingly at me before taking me by the hand and leading me back to the others. There he walked straight up to Namjoon, put both hands on his head and stared into his eyes.

Namjoon first tried to free himself from his grip and seemed to be in pain, but then he became completely calm and stood paralyzed in front of Taehyung. The same jolt I had seen in Taehyung earlier went through him and his eyes also turned flaming red.

He shook his head slightly when Taehyung let go of him, but as realization flickered across his face, he turned to Jin and dropped to his knees in front of him.

"I will protect you with my life if I have to, Your Highness."

Jin's eyes widened and his nose wrinkled before he patted Namjoon's head.

"That's nice of you... Don't worry, once you've slept it off, I'm sure you'll feel better soon," he said, looking at us for help. I probably wasn't totally overwhelmed on my own.

Jimin hugged me with relief when I stood next to him again. Apparently he had been crying, the tear tracks were visible on his cheeks.

"I was so scared for you, Sannie. But it happened so fast and Jongho wouldn't let me run after you," he breathed against my neck where he had hidden his face.

"That was the right thing to do, Asmodaeus hates you, he would have killed you on sight. And you're not a guard, you'd be a quick kill. Stay with San so I can protect you easier, Jiminie." Taehyung explained, his gaze softening as he looked at me and Jimin.

"Jimin, what did you see on my face earlier? Was it the same as the two of them? Did my eyes turn red too?" I asked curiously as I remembered the situation from earlier, but Jimin shook his head.

"No, but for a brief moment, they turned a bright violet"

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