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After leaving my luggage packed in the closet, I threw myself on the bed. Mingi had left the room after receiving a message from Taehyung. Namjoon had also texted me to come to the next floor, but I didn't feel like it at the moment.

I was still upset that they had forced me into a room with that pain in the ass. Ignoring all the

I closed my eyes and took a little nap, which is still the best way to wind down.

I didn't know how long I had slept, but when I woke up I felt something warm and damp on my neck and a hand tugging at the buttons of my jeans.

In my half-awake state, I didn't question who it was, but enjoyed the feeling of hot lips on my skin. My eyes were still closed and I gasped softly as I felt sharp teeth slide across my neck. The slight pain and the subsequent licking only excited me even more.

When soft lips placed themselves on mine and a tongue pushed its way into my mouth, I could taste my own blood. I greedily tasted the strange lips, which nevertheless felt so familiar, and pulled him on top of me after he had managed to remove my pants during the kiss.

I thrust my hips up and we both moaned as our lengths rubbed against each other, interrupting the hot kiss.

"Oh baby... how I've missed you."

That voice...it broke the spell.

Opening my eyes, I braced my hands against his chest and pushed him off of me.

"Are you insane? How dare you feel me up, you freak!" I said angrily.

Mingi put a hand on his heart and gave me a hurt look.

"Outch. Don't call me a freak, I'm your boyfriend."

"Do you have a roof defect? Stay away from me. I don't know what you've been on, but last time I checked, we didn't like each other."

I don't know what kind of game he was playing, but I was pretty angry.

Then he raised his eyes and I stopped spitting. His eyes were red. Why hadn't I noticed that before? He approached me again, pushed me back into the pillow and climbed over me again.

Too shocked to resist, I allowed him to put his hands on my head.

"Shhh, you're about to know everything and love me again." he whispered against my lips.

"What do you dream about at night... fuck, why does my head hurt so much?"


Confused, I looked around, but Wooyoung was gone. Too distracted by all the events, I hadn't even noticed that he seemed to have left the room. Tae and Jimin were also nowhere to be seen.

Namjoon was typing on his cell phone and Jongho eyed him jealously as he had sat down next to Jin. The fact that the guy now had red eyes didn't seem to bother him a bit.

However, I wasn't entirely comfortable with it, especially since my friend was now walking around here alone...

Perplexed, I looked at San, who was now also sitting on the bed with Jin, and then decided that I could probably leave him alone with his brother and the others.

When I stepped out of the door, however, I was gripped by cold horror. Wooyoung was standing next to Taehyung, who was pressing Yunho against the wall and pressing his lips against him while holding his hands to his head. It didn't look like a hot kiss, more like muffling Yunho's screams.

When he let go of him again, Yunho's eyes had changed color too. Startled, I gasped and they turned to me. When I looked at Wooyoung's face, my blood froze in my veins.

"No, baby... please tell me you're still you..." I cried desperately.

Smiling lovingly, he came towards me.

"Of course I'm still me, on the contrary, I'm more me now than ever..."

With every step he took, I took a step back until I felt the wall at my back.

"Don't worry, it only hurts for a moment..." he whispered against my lips before kissing me.

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