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Swallowing hard, I stood there, the hands on my bottom, massaging it seductively, compulsively fighting the urge to turn around. Who was standing there? Was it one of the boys from the other teams? It couldn't be, because then the others wouldn't look so horrified.

I was seized with disgust as I imagined it was a perverted homeless person living in here.

Suppressing the urge to vomit, I took a few more cautious steps down the stairs. Namjoon came a few steps towards me and held out his hand.

When I grabbed it, he pulled me towards him with a firm tug and for the first time, I no longer felt the hands.

"Run!" Namjoon shouted to the others and pulled me behind him by the hand.

As we ran, I dared to look over my shoulder towards the stairs, where I only briefly saw something glowing, about the size of a man. But we turned a corner so that I could no longer see the figure and Mingi pushed open a double-leaf door, through which we slipped and tried to calm down, breathing heavily.

"What was that?" I asked, confused.

"Bro, I swear... your weed was no good." Mingi said, slightly distraught.

"I wasn't smoking anything and I still saw it." Namjoon directly contradicted me, which made me like him more, since he was defending my weed.

"Come here... I filmed it." Yoongi, who had placed his camera on a silver table, called out to us.

I looked around curiously and immediately knew where we were. In the pathology department. There were several of these tables in the room, some of which still had shrouds on them.

After the incident on the stairs, I was completely sober again, but I felt a little queasy here.

When the video started on the camera display, it caught our attention.

Yoongi fast-forwarded to the point where we were walking down the stairs.

You could hear Yoongi and Mingi arguing and in between... Kids giggling?!?

Then Mingi flew down the stairs and shortly afterwards the camera panned to me.

A man was standing behind me, wearing a surgical shirt, his arms and legs bare. His lustful gaze was directed at my ass and it... glowed?

"Why is this perverted dude glowing?" I wanted to know, almost fearfully.

"It's a fucking ghost..." Mingi whispered in awe while Yoongi clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"It was a homeless person." he said dryly.

"Oh yeah? Since when do homeless people light up?" Mingi demanded to know.

"I don't know what he threw in," Yoongi countered again.

"Shut up already, the guy doesn't seem to have followed us, so we'll continue filming in here. Jongho, you search and find portals here, put on a little show." Namjoon now decided and I nodded.

At Yoongi's signal, I started to speak.

"Guys... there are so many energies here, I see portals in every corner. Death is omnipresent in this room. So much suffering and tragedy, the walls here are soaked with it." I exaggerated.

"Oh my God... Have they forgotten a corpse here?" Mingi suddenly asked in disgust.

Yoongi looked at the table Mingi was pointing at and I followed his outstretched index finger.

There was indeed a body under a blanket.

Frowning, Namjoon walked towards it.

"There's probably just a training dummy under there for first aid," he assumed and pulled the cloth away with a jerk.

Underneath was... Nothing. My mouth fell open and the others also looked confused.

Yoongi looked around the room and grew paler and paler.

"Guys... there are body prints everywhere under the sheets now, they weren't there before." pure horror rang out in his voice.

We looked around and gasped in horror. When a body suddenly sat up under a cloth, that was it for us.

"Let's get out of here... Back to the car!" Namjoon shouted, his normally cool voice trembling.

He grabbed my hand again and we ran without looking back, climbed out the window, ran across the parking lot to the car, where we pressed ourselves deep into the seats and locked the doors.

"I hope the others get out soon too." Mingi wailed tearfully, tears in his eyes.

The usually tough Yoongi took him in his arms to comfort him instead of arguing with him. I was also shaking like a leaf and climbed onto Namjoon's lap. I didn't give a shit about my pride, I just wanted to feel his strong arms around me.

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