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Horrified, I sat up and slid backwards to the head of the bed. My comforter slowly fell back onto my bed, but I didn't see anyone. Shivering, I pulled the covers up to my neck.

"Tae...Taemin? Are you here?" I asked anxiously into the darkness.

"Yes baby, I'm here." his voice breathed seductively into my ear.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and a chill ran down my spine.

"Wh-why s-why can't I see you?" I stuttered, my teeth chattering.

Why had the ghost followed me? How could he do it so easily and what was I supposed to do now? Yes, he had seemed nice, but that could just be a scam.

"You only see me when I want you to," came his reply in my other ear and shortly afterwards my left earlobe tingled, causing goose bumps to cover the entire left side of my body.

I gasped in surprise and heard him chuckle in amusement.

"What are you going to do to me?" I wanted to know, unsure if I even wanted to hear the answer.

"So many things baby, but unfortunately I can't put almost any of them into practice..." I heard him sigh sadly. Suddenly he materialized right in front of me and I drew in my breath in shock.

He was so close to me, looking me in the eye, if we could touch, we would be nose to nose. His visible glowing aura tickled my skin in an electrifying way.

"Why are your eyes green?"

Of all the questions forming in my head, I asked a trivial one like that out of nervousness.

"Contact lenses," he replied with a grin.

"Did you die with them on and that's why you're still wearing them?" my curiosity was piqued.

"No, I just have to imagine what I want to look like. It doesn't work with my facial features, I can only change my eye color, hair color and clothes," he explained, suddenly blonde with warm brown eyes.

I looked at him with fascination. Melancholy settled over me, Taemin was so beautiful, that he was dead made me sad. I smiled shyly at him, shedding more and more of my fears and doubts, as he didn't give the impression that he wanted to do me any harm. Nevertheless, I decided to remain vigilant.

"Why are you here?" I asked after I had sat down a little more relaxed and loosened my defenses a little.

"You're cute and I'm bored." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Can't you go into the light or something?" I suggested and he gave me a look of mock hurt.

"Are you trying to get rid of me or something? I don't know, I haven't seen the light yet, apparently I've got things to do," he said thoughtfully and leaned against the headboard next to me.

"Maybe we can find out together and I can help you." I thought out loud and he looked at me in surprise.

"You want to help me?"

"Sure, why not?" I said sincerely, because I probably wouldn't be able to get rid of him otherwise anyway.

Even if we pretended to be ghost hunters, we didn't know what we were doing and I wouldn't be able to drive him away by force, firstly, and secondly, I would be sorry.

"I told you, you're cute and brave, just my type. If I had a body, I'd be banging you right now." he said with a cheeky grin, which made me blush to the back of my ears. This ghost really didn't mince his words.

There was a knock on my door and Jimin came in quietly.

"San, who are you talking to? Can't you sleep?" he asked caringly, came to my bedside and sat on the bed before stroking my hair tenderly.

"It's ok, Jimin hyung. I was just talking to myself." I reassured him directly, because I didn't want him to worry too much about me.

"I get that, I do that a lot too and imagine I'm talking to Yeosang. Tell him about my day... It's almost like keeping a diary. Do you think it's strange that I'm talking to a dead man?" he asked me, looking me in the eye uncertainly.

"There's absolutely nothing weird about it, hyung. I do that too." I smiled at him encouragingly and heard Taemin giggle again next to me.

Relieved, Jimin pulled me into his arms and snuggled up to me.

"Can I stay with you tonight? I can't sleep in my room, the memories of Yeosang are overwhelming me." he asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Sure, do you want to cuddle?" I offered and he nodded happily.

"Uhh nice, a threesome." I heard Taemin giggle next to me and I looked at him chastisingly. He just raised his arms and grinned cheekily, then he dissolved before my eyes and I laid Jimin and I down comfortably before we fell asleep cuddled close together.


It's so unusual to have so few readers here, because I'm still at the beginning... in my original account there are always hundreds of people waiting for a new chapter, while here I think, oh I have to upload, there are 2-3 people waiting in 2-3 continents :D and I'm so happy about every new reader who makes my card in the stats bluer. If you notice anything that doesn't translate so well, please let me know. I use a program to translate and I don't trust myself to recognize grammatical errors because I always overthink everything anyway and then everything looks wrong to me^^ so please let me know, cause english is just my third language... i hope you enjoy reading my stories and i would be happy about some comments from time to time

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