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Taehyung wanted to take us back to the others as we still had to figure out how to stop Asmodaeus, how Jin and I could awaken and how much Yeosang knew. His awakening had been interrupted by his death, did he even remember it? There was no one in the hallway and so we were quickly on the next floor without incident, but when I turned to Jimin, he was gone...

"Tae... Jimin is no longer there." I drew his attention to me with concern and he looked around searching.

"Shit, hopefully Asmodaeus didn't get his hands on him, but I didn't sense any danger. Maybe he's lost... or..." he thought, but I suddenly looked up in panic.

"He's not going to..." I literally ran up the stairs to the top floor because I had a bad gut feeling that he would do something stupid to provoke his awakening, since I had told him about Yeosang almost waking up when he fell, but he wasn't up here. Especially since the height wasn't enough for Yeosang.

"Tae, I think he's trying something pretty reckless to wake up, is there somewhere higher around here where you could jump down?" I asked slowly, half hysterically, because I was very scared for him and didn't want to lose him again right away.

"The cliffs behind the house, there's a drop of over 100 m." Taehyung said and his eyes widened as he realized that Jimin could jump down there. So we wasted no time and ran straight back down the stairs, sprinting out the front door and circling the house until we came to the back garden, at the end of which the rocky cliffs dropped down to the lake. We fought our way through the overgrown garden, which had apparently not yet been renovated. We kept pushing back bushes and branches, climbing over fallen marble figures that were probably meant to represent angels, until we got a clear view of the cliffs, where we saw Jimin standing at the edge. The moonlight was the only source of light, but I could still see him struggling with himself, breathing in and out deeply.

"Jimin... don't do this!" I called out desperately, because I had noticed how his expression had changed from uncertain to determined. He turned to me and smiled at me.

"Don't worry... I'll see you in a moment." He promised me and the next moment he simply jumped down, ignoring my panicked scream. Images immediately started to form in my head, I saw my dead brother lying in front of me again, then the image changed to Jimin lying shattered on cold, wet rocks. I wanted to run to the edge and look down, but Tae held me back.

"Let me check first... to be on the safe side." he said, pushing me back behind him with his hand on my torso before running to the cliff and looking down.

I heard him draw in a sharp breath and tears immediately started to run down my cheeks. Jimin couldn't really be dead now, could he? Then we would just have to stay in this stupid house, because I would still love him even as a ghost...

"San... come here." I heard Taehyung call softly, having noticed my tears, and I hesitantly took a few steps towards him, keeping my eyes on the ground, not wanting to see Taehyung's expression because I was afraid of the horror in it. When I reached him, he gently lifted my head.

"Look." he asked me lovingly and then I felt a light breeze on my cheek. I slowly lifted my head and looked in front of me. My mouth fell open in amazement...

Directly in front of me, Jimin was floating in the air, his mighty black wings swaying slightly back and forth, his eyes glowing an unreal blue, while his entire appearance was simply sublime.

"I told you we'd meet again in a moment," he said calmly, landing a few centimetres in front of me and immediately pulling me into his embrace.

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