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"Where has he gone? Is he wandering around here alone? We have to look for him before Asmodaeus finds him!" Jackson shouted excitedly and jumped up.

Ravn was no longer quite so relaxed either.

"The second brother... Is he here too?" he asked with a slight panic in his voice.

"Yes, San is here too." Wooyoung replied, looking a bit haphazard, as did Jungkook, who looked back and forth between the two ghosts in confusion. Namjoon, realizing that no one really knew what to do, took charge. Leading was probably in his blood, I thought it was really hot.

"Let's go and find him. Wooyoung and Jungkook, you know him, so take Jackson and Raven with you. Jongho and I will find the others and inform them," he instructed us and everyone nodded.

"What should we do if we find him?" I wanted to know.

"We have to take him to Seonghwa. But that's the tricky part. Asmodaeus has taken on Seonghwa's appearance, he thought that would help win Seokjin back..."


After looking around the foyer a bit, I came to the conclusion that it didn't look like a creepy house anymore. Nevertheless, I could feel this dark presence spreading through every corner, no matter how bright it seemed.

It was a strangely familiar feeling, even though I had never been here before. Actually, I just wanted to grab San and Jimin and then leave again as quickly as possible, but I had to see Seonghwa, touch him, and not just in my dreams. I didn't even question the fact that he really existed, as he had always been real to me.

I was now magically drawn to the next floor because I had seen him standing there. I didn't even stop to look at the rooms, but almost ran up the stairs, then turned in the direction where I had seen him and tore open doors at random until I spotted his slim figure in front of a window and entered, gasping for breath.

My breathing quickly calmed down, but my rapidly beating heart picked up a little more speed when his penetrating gaze met me.

"Seonghwa..." was all I breathed as I couldn't concentrate on what I wanted to say as the beautiful sight of him, finally face to face, held me captive.

His face literally lit up when he saw me and with three long strides, he was with me and pulled me into his arms.

"My angel... at last." I heard him say in a velvety voice as I rested my head on his shoulder.

It was a wonderful feeling to feel him. So familiar, as if I had spent ages in his arms. But since I'd been dreaming about him for as long as I could remember, that wasn't so far-fetched.

After a few moments of enjoyment, he pushed me slightly away from him to look into my face. His gaze softened and a small smile stole across his face. My eyes widened as I realized what was about to follow. My first kiss in real life...

He came closer and closer to me, our eyes focused only on each other, while the corners of his mouth lifted a little more and I could already feel his warm breath against my lips.

I blinked briefly before closing my eyes and waiting for his touch. The half second before I could feel his mouth tenderly on mine felt like hours, hours in which my knees almost gave way and so much excitement and love flowed through my consciousness and my body that it was almost too much for me.

Almost by themselves, my hands found their way into his soft hair, while he grabbed me by the waist to give me more support. I totally melted into the kiss as we moved our lips against each other more and more longingly. When his tongue pushed its way into my mouth, I sighed longingly.

He gently pushed me towards the bed, where he carefully laid us both down without interrupting the kiss. I had felt all of these things before, in my dreams we had done much more than just kiss, but nothing had been able to prepare me for the reality, because my feelings for him were overwhelming.

His right hand gently stroked up my side until it came to rest on my cheek. He briefly moved away from my mouth to smile lovingly at me.

"I've dreamed of this day for 300 years. I love you so much Jinnie." he confessed and you could see that love literally shining from his eyes as he looked at me. Moved, I swallowed.

"Please never forget that you only belong to me," he murmured before he reconnected our lips.

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