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When we arrived at the second address for tonight, Namjoon instructed us quietly while we got the equipment out again.

"We'll have to improvise here, come up with something, unfortunately we have no info at all, the guy was very vague and my research didn't turn up anything.

So the ghost box will be useless."

"Unless the ghost is real." Hongjoong added anxiously and Namjoon gave him an annoyed look.

I nudged Yunho lightly.

"This time you're filming, but focus on Hongjoong, his scared face and constant fright is worth its weight in gold."

If we cut this into the videos from time to time, it gave the whole thing a more creepy atmosphere and seemed more believable... at least for housewives in their mid-40s who watched it while cleaning.

This time the door was opened by a good-looking guy in his late 20s, who was overly made up and whose fluid movements and raised head looked like those of an arrogant, elegant English lady.

"Oh no, a Detlev..." Mingi moaned quietly behind my back, which made me stifle another giggle.

"Ah the Ghost Chasers... at last. Can you just exorcize the ghost without any fuss?" he got straight to the point.

"Paranormal Hunter!" growled Jongho between clenched teeth.

"We have to get an overview of the situation first." Jungkook explained seriously.

"Also, we have to make sure it's not a demon." added Taehyung knowledgeably.

"Pff, as if." I heard the velvety voice of a young man from inside the house, but no one responded. I looked around in amazement, hadn't the others heard him?

Minho led us into the house and allowed us to look around and immediately the boys swarmed out and put on their usual show. Wooyoung was supposedly feeling sick again and Hobi unpacked his herbs, while Jongho searched everything for supposed portals.

When Mingi rubbed his temples again and said in an exaggeratedly weak voice "here's a young man who apparently misses him a lot", I heard the guy with the velvety voice laugh again. "Yeah right, I miss him just as much as Herpes."

I looked around searchingly before asking Minho if there was anyone else in the house. He just shook his head, but the voice answered:

"Yes, I'm here... Can you hear me?"

"Yes..." I said, stretching and the others looked at me questioningly.

"Turn around." the voice breathed, which I did. He was standing behind Mingi, leaning casually against the wall. A man in his mid-20s, green hair, green eyes, full lips. He was beautiful, but he glowed and looked a little translucent.

I took a step back in shock and stared at him open-mouthed.

"Who are you?" I asked breathlessly and the others around me quietened down, watching me in fascination, probably wondering about my acting talent, except for Hongjoong, who almost wet his pants.

"Do you really need to talk to the ghost? Send him away and be done with it," Minho grumbled, annoyed.

"So they don't find out what you've done." the ghost said mockingly before turning to me.

"Hey, I'm Taemin." his gaze softened as he looked at me and my knees went weak.

On the one hand because he was really damn attractive, on the other hand because there was a real ghost talking to me right now and apparently only I could see it.

"I'm San, nice to meet you," I replied, trembling slightly, unsure whether I should really be happy.

Slowly he came closer, his intense gaze never leaving my eyes for a moment. He lifted his hand and let his ghostly fingers stroke my cheek, causing a cool tingling sensation on my skin, giving me moderate goose bumps all over my body and making me fear for my life inside.

Apparently my fear was showing, because he suddenly smiled warmly and encouragingly.

"You're cute, so pretty and brave, talking to a ghost and remaining polite. Quite different from that sassy bitch over there who has me on his conscience."

"Don't talk to him, he's just a liar... Now do what I pay you to do and drive him out!" Minho shouted angrily.

For a moment, I took my attention off Taemin and looked at Minho.

"What did you do to Taemin?" I asked him in a firm voice, which made Taemin giggle.

"Oh man, I think I'm in love ." which no one heard except me.

Instead, everyone stared at Minho, whose facial features froze at the mention of his name.

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