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I was more than just confused by the events that had happened since we had entered this damn villa. What was going on with my friends, why did almost everyone suddenly have red eyes? More and more of us arrived in the room and all of them had red eyes, the new additions, except Jimin. Jongho, Seonghwa and Jin, who had never left the room, also still had their normal eye color. There was no sign of Yeosang and Taemin...

"Could someone enlighten me as to what's going on? Because no matter how good the stuff you smoked was, your eyes certainly don't get that extremely red from... " I complained, as I hated being kept in the dark. As if everyone knew a secret that I didn't know about, but which concerned me.

"There are already two of us who would like to know." Jin interjected, impatiently rocking his leg back and forth as he sat next to Seonghwa on the bed. He looked around the room impatiently, catching the glances of the others, almost all of whom lowered their heads humbly when he looked one of them in the eye. Annoyed, he rolled his eyes before pointing at Namjoon, who was no longer kneeling.

"You there... speak. What's going on here?" he asked him and Namjoon immediately stretched his back and stood candle straight in front of Jin before he began to speak.

"This is all going to be a bit much for you, since you haven't awakened, you still think you're human, just like San... but you're not, you never were. It's best to start at the very beginning. When Lucifer took over hell, there was also Lilith. She is considered the mother of demons, but this title is not correct, she is actually the creator of demons. She is also the mother, but only of three and they are not real demons, as they were conceived by Lucifer and her. First she gave birth to her son Seokjin, but he was very lonely and so she began to create more and more demons, so Lucifer had a people, an army that grew bigger and more powerful and at the same time Jin no longer grew up so alone. Jin had a best friend, his name was Asmodaeus. He was the strongest of them all and they liked each other very much. But Asmodaeus was greedy, he wanted Jin at his side so that he could use him and his power, which far exceeded that of a demon, to knock Lucifer off his throne and become a devil himself. He tried to seduce Seokjin, but he was still the son of an archangel and therefore full of love and kindness, he would never have turned against his father. He resisted Asmodaeus' advances because he knew there was a soul out there that was meant for him, his companion who just hadn't been born yet and he wanted to wait for him. Asmodaeus was furious, did not accept this and disappeared to gather followers in secret and look for other ways. When Lilith became pregnant again, she and Lucifer were very worried that he would try to manipulate this child too, so she created the Guardians, one for each of her children. First me, to stand by your side and protect you for all time, then the twins Yeosang and San were born, for them she created Wooyoung and Taehyung. Think of us as your shield. But since that wasn't enough for them, she created a whole new generation of demons, all with different abilities, perhaps not as powerful individually as the guardians, but still very strong together. So she bound our souls together based on our matching abilities and made us companions. This caused a lot of envy in hell, as we were the only generation of demons with a soul and also loved, felt, experienced joy and lust. The other demons didn't have that. Asmodaeus' following grew and there was a threat of rebellion in hell, so we were sent away with you, to the humans, where we lived and died like them, always reborn and always together. We were always friends, the pairs always found each other again, even if there were sometimes brief swaps of the pairs." He looked at me and Jimin, who narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Then how do I fit into the picture, I've just heard that I'm not a demon?" he then asked Namjoon.

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