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I turned my face away from him in disgust, the guy might be good-looking, but he was obviously more than sick. My disgust seemed to amuse him, as he bent down to undo my shackles I saw him grinning with anticipation.

"Get your fucking ugly demon handles off him..." Jackson shouted desperately, shaking his chains hard.

"Oh now I'm ugly? Didn't you just lie under me a few nights ago and say I was hot?" Asmodaeus asked haughtily as Jackson gave me an apologetic look.

"I lied like I always do, you're a fucking psycho... I claimed you had a hot cock, but it's just a pathetic little sausage. Just like you," he continued to provoke him. My heartbeat doubled when I saw that crazy smile on Asmodaeu's lips as he paused and then turned to Jackson.

"Congratulations, Jacky... I'm going to start with my favorite bitch today after all..." he informed him and dragged him to the torture table after unlocking the chains.

He brutally slammed him down on the table so hard that Jackson gasped and lost all his breath. Instead of strapping him to the table, burning shackles appeared around his hand and ankles and I immediately saw the pain on my beloved's face and my heart tightened.

"Don't look, baby!" Jackson called out to me and I wanted to follow suit and lowered my gaze to the floor.

"Look at him... If you don't, you'll switch places." Asmodaeus warned me and I immediately raised my eyes again.

"Hey... Don't worry kid... He can't kill him, he's already dead. He can only cause him pain, but tomorrow night everything will be the same again. Even if he mutilates him... Tomorrow he'll be as good as new." Ravn tried to comfort me quietly. But why did he have to mention mutilation now? That scared me, I didn't want to see this maniac cut off anything from my boyfriend...

Whistling, the demon ran to a half-rotten wooden cupboard and opened the squeaky door. What he took out I didn't see at first, but when he turned to Jackson and threw his arm up swinging, only to bring it down hard on Jackson's knee seconds later, I saw that it was a hammer... point side first. Instead of a loud scream, which I would have expected, all I heard from Jackson was a stifled "Hmmpf". His face was contorted in pain, but he bit down hard on his lower lip to show as little effect as possible, not begrudging the demon his triumph. God... how many times had he been tortured here when he was already so used to it that he could control himself?

"Do you really think it's worth it? Do you think you can save the little human like that? He'll be dead by tomorrow night at the latest... then everyone will be dead... Dust motes in history that no one cares about anymore," Asmodaeus said with a laugh, taking a pair of tongs and walking to Jackson's feet. With a snap of his fingers, all the clothes on Jackson's body evaporated and my boyfriend lay naked on the bloody wooden table. What was he doing with the pliers? I saw him apply them to a toe. Please, no pulling toenails... oh God no...

But he didn't seem to have any intention of doing that, because he had the whole toe in the pliers and suddenly gave a jerky tug. I screamed in horror, still seeing the toe in the pliers, only now the pliers were a meter away from Jackson, who was still whimpering softly. The demon carelessly dropped the torn off body part on the floor and then grinned as he took Jackson's penis in his hand.

"Dude... No... don't do that, I feel sick already..." I suddenly heard Kai moan and Ravn tried to hiss at him that he'd better shut up.

I stared at the scene in front of me in pure horror. He wouldn't... I mean even a demon was a man, you don't cut someone's dick off.

"Since you were talking about my cock size... let's talk about yours." he said with a smug grin and then I heard a soft rasp and for the first time Jackson let out a bloodcurdling scream. The wild giggle I heard as the demon threw Jackson's penis at my feet would haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. I looked down and at that moment the world around me went black.

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