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In the days that followed, Jimin and I tried to convince Jin that a week's camping vacation with the boys would be a good idea. At first he didn't want to let us go, then he wanted to join us. It took a lot of patience and persuasion to talk him out of it, but in the end he reluctantly let us go, sighing.

We promised to call him twice a day, to avoid bears, leopards and snakes and never to share a tent with Mingi, as I would only mess things up with him and it would end in chaos. Jin just couldn't forget the time when Mingi had spent the night with us all the time when he was 15 and we had played the worst tricks on him.

As we packed our bags and got into Jimin's car, Taemin, who was chilling comfortably in the back seat, spoke up again.

"Luckily he didn't say anything about ghosts. You're safe from the creatures in the hotel... although there are a few bears around... A cuddly teddy bear and a grumpy bear." he said with a grin.

"Do we want to know who he means?" Jimin asked me with a grin.

"The grumpy bear is Yoongi, the teddy bear... I don't know, but since he's always bumming around on Mingi's or Yunho's lap, he probably means Yunho." I announced my theory thoughtfully.

"I'm right behind you, don't talk about me, talk to me!" whined Taemin.

"Besides, Taehyung is the grumpy one, Yoongi is an angry kitten." he explained with a smile.

"Do you think you'll be able to look after all of us?" I asked worriedly.

"As long as you don't split up too much. But you'll have to look after yourselves a little... I'll help if I sense something bad, but I'm not an all-round watchdog." he clarified and I nodded in agreement.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the newly renovated villa, which really did shine in new splendor. We walked towards the entrance feeling both uneasy and excited at the same time. Jimin took my hand and squeezed it tightly as we finally walked through the door. I responded with an equally firm squeeze and gave him an encouraging smile.

Inside, nothing reminded me of the tragedy that had taken place here. The marble floor had been renewed, everything looked bright and modern, but classy. When we had partied here, it had been gloomy, run-down and old-fashioned, smelled of mold and the atmosphere was oppressive. Well, once I'd reached a certain alcohol level, I didn't care.

A young woman came towards us and introduced herself as Jisun.

"You're from the Ghost Chasers team?" she asked me and I had to grin briefly, luckily Jongho wasn't there yet.

"Something like that. We seem to be the first of our team?"

"Yes, and that's why I'll quickly explain everything to them and they can inform their employees, because I want to get out of here as quickly as possible." she said, smiling apologetically.

"No problem, we're here to take over." I tried to put it across confidently and she looked immediately relieved.

"Well, everything is ready here, you can just choose your rooms, nothing is locked yet. The kitchen and bars are fully stocked, you can help yourself everywhere. My number is in the directory behind reception. There are also instructions for everything here. Good... then good luck," she explained and then disappeared faster than we could see.

"But we're sharing a room, aren't we? Nobody should sleep alone here." Jimin asked uncertainly.

"Sure, I wouldn't let you sleep alone in a haunted house... or sleep alone myself." I didn't even try to be brave. I was sick to my stomach, but if I could really see Yeosang again, it would be worth it.


"Jongho, you little pissant. I knew it." I heard my brother Sehun scold me as I was sneaking out of Kai's room, a big bag of weed in my hand. My eyes widened and I feverishly searched for an excuse.

"I wanted to cook spaghetti, but I couldn't find the basil. Good thing Kai Hyung still had some in his room." I didn't even blink at the crap I'd just spouted, but even if Sehun usually believed all my bullshit, he wasn't completely stupid either. Kai would have believed it for sure...

"Give me that before I hang you out of the window by your feet, then you can dry next to the basil." He stretched out his hand demandingly, but at that moment, I heard the saving horn and just ran off, past Sehun, who tried to grab me, but when you grew up with two dysfunctional big brothers and were cheeky as snot yourself, there was one thing you were particularly good at... running away.

Even Kai, who had just come in the door, just looked distraught as I stormed past him like a wild bull.

"Stop him, he's stolen our weed," Sehun shouted at him, but it was too late, I slipped into Namjoon's car and just shouted "drive off".

He didn't ask any questions, just pressed the accelerator. In the rear-view mirror, I saw Sehun screaming and Kai grinning... oh oh. Not good at all, why wasn't Kai freaking out?


"Why didn't you hold on to him? He's going camping for a week. He'll smoke all the weed, there were 200 grams in the bag." Sehun asked angrily. I grinned and looked at him as I picked up my cell phone.

"Since Jackson disappeared, I've secretly equipped all the cell phones of family and friends with an invisible tracking app. Pack a few things. We're going camping..."

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