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Fortunately, we arrived at the villa without further incident, I was afraid my brothers would come after us, but they didn't.

But I couldn't get Kai's dirty grin out of my head, as if he knew something that would get me into a lot of trouble.

After getting our bags out of the car, we walked towards the entrance, where I just saw a person standing there, which made me pause. Seokjin, San's brother, had just entered hesitantly.

Fuck, San and Jimin could be in for something. I was surprised that he went in, he had avoided the house like the plague since Yeosang died.

I hurriedly grabbed Namjoon by the sleeve and stopped him. I wanted to avoid running into Jin at all costs, as he would ask me awkward questions. Hopefully he wouldn't make too much of a fuss.

After a short wait - Namjoon had looked at me in surprise for a moment, but stayed with me to wait - we went inside.

I carefully opened the unlocked front door and took a good look around.

There was no one in the foyer, so we went on to the rooms and knocked on doors to find our friends. I almost expected to hear Jin shouting somewhere, but everything was quiet.

We were lucky at the third door and Jungkook opened it.

"Hey, did you guys just get here?" he asked when he saw our luggage and I nodded.

"Pick a room, the others are settling in too," he suggested, while a grinning Wooyoung appeared behind him.

"Hurry up, there are probably other people here after all, I've just met some hippy cutout who invited us to celebrate with him and his friends later. You'll find them three doors down. We're going straight there too," he informed us.

"Right, let's find a room now," said Namjoon and was already turning to leave when Jungkook stopped us again.

"Make sure you stay together, this place is supposed to be teeming with ghosts, even if we haven't seen any yet."

Namjoon nodded in confirmation and took my hand to pull me along, which I accepted with a grin. He hadn't made good on his promised date yet, but even though I had been a little coy in front of the others, I was looking forward to it. This guy was really hot, I'd known that since the first time I'd seen him changing in the changing room at the gym.

We quickly found a free room and settled in.

"You'd better stay close to me the whole time, who knows if the ghosts here are as scary as in the hospital," said the older man, which made me grin with amusement.

"So that I can look after you or you can look after me?" I asked provocatively, but he didn't let himself be put off and remained serious.

"So that we can watch each other's backs," he said with a sigh.

Somehow I wanted to try and lighten the mood, because he seemed very tense. This little party with the strangers here in the house would be a good start.

"Come on, let's go to the guys who invited us," I suggested to him and he more or less enthusiastically let himself be dragged along.

Jungkook and Wooyoung had just come out of their room too, so we joined them without further ado. When we entered the room, a kind of salon, we were greeted by a cheerful-looking young man, perhaps a few years older than us, who gave each of us a firm hug before introducing himself.

"Hey, I'm glad you're here. Finally someone alive here. You can call me Ravn. Have a seat," he said exuberantly and I sat down, slightly skeptical.

What was wrong with him? Was he hyperactive or something?

We also introduced ourselves before Namjoon started to pester him directly.

"Does that mean there are only dead people here? Are there many ghosts here? Where are they, why haven't we seen any yet?"

"Oh, there are some ghosts here. They're always around you, you just don't notice them," Ravn said with an amused grin.

"But it's not the ghosts you need to worry about, most of them have moderate roof damage, but they're harmless. You'd better watch out for the demon," came the voice of the person who had just entered. I stared wide-eyed at my eldest brother's best friend, who had been missing for two years.


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