Chapter 33

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No choice.


I was woken out of my sleep by a consistent knocking on my door. I groaned and went to stretch but felt arms around my waist. I look down and see Caylee snuggled into me, hugging me tight. I try to slowly pry her hands so I can go check who is at the door. If I don't they won't stop knocking and will wake up my girl.

It took me a bit but I got her to let go and she turned her body the other direction, snuggling into the blanket. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I heard the knock again, glanced at the clock noticing it was already after 3:00 pm, and rushed to the door.

"What do you need? Knocking on my door like you have no sense?" I said as I was opening the door. But I didn't expect it to be both of my parents.

My mother looks a lot calmer than my father does, which doesn't surprise me.

"Excuse me? Is that how you speak to your parents!?" I could already hear the mood he's still in.

"My apologies. I didn't know it was you guys. But my mate is asleep and has had a rough day with constant questions. It is her birthday and she hasn't enjoy not a second of it." I start walking out of my room, closing the door behind me so that Caylee can get more rest.

"Well I have many questions of my own." I snapped my head in his direction, getting instantly frustrated because he knows I've told him already. Caylee will speak when she is ready.

"Dad." I know my tone wasn't pleasant but he won't be making my mate uncomfortable when she just told me she doesn't want to speak about it anymore today.

"Jayden." He said my name with a harsher tone.

"Quit it! The both of you!" Wela both looked at her.

"Richard, the girl is asleep. I understand you want to know what is going on, but she is sleeping. Jayden. I understand you want to protect your mate. But your father wants to know so he knows he's protecting his pack." She shakes her head.

"You both get way too hot headed and cannot finish speaking because of it." She turns to just me.

"We need to know what happened Jayden. You don't have to go into complete details. She can open up more when she's ready but we need to know why one of our pack members attacked two of our warriors in a hurry to get out of here unseen." I get where they're coming from but I feel so terrible speaking out about business that doesn't belong to me. Something so tragic. But before I even got to speak the door opened.

"I-I can a-answer w-whatever you n-need me t-too." She spoke so low that I thank the Goddess for super hearing.

"Caylee, amor. If you aren't ready yet it's ok." I wanted her to truly know that. I don't care what my father wants. I want her to be comfortable and ok. She's gone through enough.

"No. I-it's ok." I knew it wasn't. But she doesn't want to upset anyone. I innerly shake my head, but nod to her.

My dad turns and walks away, to his office I assume. We all slowly followed him. We walk in and all take a seat.

I can already see the unshed tears in her eyes. I take a deep breath in and let it out. I grab her hand for comfort, not just for her but for myself as well. I know this will bubble up more feelings. But I have to keep thinking about her.

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