Chapter 16

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Two months.


It’s been two months of the same thing. Monday through Friday we train, go to school, do homework, eat dinner, go to bed, and redo the next day. Saturdays I get to lay in a bit longer, until I have to meet father for Alpha training. Then I get to enjoy the rest of my day. On Sundays, we train as usual. Then I met my father for Alpha training. And we usually have a nice dinner. 

It’s been nice seeing Caylee as often as I have. Sucks that sometimes she doesn’t come over. Which, I understand, because I wouldn’t want to hang with a mated couple all the time either. Even if they're my best friends. They need their privacy just as much.

I’m surprised that father didn’t get on my throat about Jojo finding his mate and I have not. I want to find her… I’m just not sure how much longer it’ll take. 

Jojo told me that Caylee's birthday is Saturday, and she’s not having a party. She’s just having him and Zee sleepover. Well, it sucks that she isn’t having one, everyone deserves to have one. But knowing Caylee, she doesn’t like all the extra attention. She’s good with her personal few.

I’m currently overviewing everyone's training. I have three months before my father has me choose the top three fighters. And my choice remains the same. If they accept, I choose Jojo, Caylee, and Kyle. It’s time to head back, so I can get ready for school. 

I’m making my way to first period when I see Caylee walking a bit ahead of me. 

“Caylee!” She stops and turns around. 

“Hey.” She smiles. 

“A little bird told me you have a birthday in a few days.” She groans and rolls her eyes. 

“Freaking Jojo. Can never keep his mouth shut.” I chuckle. 

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” I winked and noticed her cheeks turn a shade of pink. Oh how I like to make her blush.

“No party?” She shook her head. 

“Not really a people person.” I figured. She’s only ever with Zeela and Jojo.  

“Well, I hope I get to at least see you on the day of your birthday.” She smiles and turns another shade of pink. 

“Ok” she whispered, as her face went from that shade of pink to red. 

The day flies by, and I find myself just laying in bed. Eventually, I doze off and fall into a deep sleep.

I’m in the forest again. 

This time, the cries sound louder, so clear. I walk around and they get louder. In the distance, I see a figure on the floor. But, I can’t move. I can’t get closer. 

“Hey! Are you ok?” I yelled out. 

But nothing, just cries. I finally can move, so I run towards the figure on the ground. It was as if I were running and running and never reaching where I’d want to go. Once I finally felt closer, everything went black.

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