Chapter 10

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Triggered. But why?


I’m in the car again. But I can’t seem to drive off yet. My mind is going crazy with thoughts of her… What is she not saying? I can see it in her eyes, she’s hurting. But, what is she hurting from? What is she afraid of? It isn’t sitting well with me. Even my wolf, Jax, was uneasy… What could it be? I shook it off for now, so I can make my way home. It’s getting late.

I make it to the pack house and head to my room. Both Cj and Jojo are in my room. I’m assuming the friend told Jojo and Jojo told Cj. 

“What Happened?” They both asked at the same time. 

“To be honest, I’m not a hundred percent sure. I was on my way to the food court when I noticed Caycee and her friend. They were walking out of a store and some guy bumped her. I saw her falling, so I rushed over, as I’m getting closer he pushed her. She started crying and covering herself as if she were expecting another hit and that’s when I intervened. I grabbed him and threw him… Her friend tried to get her up, but she wouldn’t move. So, I picked her up and gave them a ride home.” I sighed as I plopped on my sofa. 

“Wth… why would someone push her?” That was Jojo, he looked pissed. Which I understood. 

“No, my question is… Why did she cover up as if to get beaten? My sister is one hell of a fighter. So this whole thing makes no sense to me. There is a lot more behind it and why she didn’t defend herself…” I sighed, because that was my question as well. I can’t wrap my head around an explanation. 

“I agree, but she was also caught off guard. Something triggered her to make her cover up.” My mind is just everywhere.

“I don’t know, she doesn’t really talk about much when it comes to her personal feelings. She listens to us and is always just happy. I take her home every night because she fears the dark. Like she will literally break down and cry… And before she goes inside I’ll ask if she’s ok, but she says yes and gives me a small smile.” Cj looks at me and then at Jojo. 

“Can we all just keep an extra eye on her… But not make it too obvious. I love my sister and don’t want anything happening to her…” I was planning to even if he didn’t ask. Why? I don’t know. But I feel as if I need to protect her. I’ll figure this out sooner or later. Hoping it’s much sooner. 

“Of course she’s my best friend!” Jojo’s facial expression and body language was too funny. I chuckle at his childishness. 

“As future Alpha, I have to look out for my pack members.” As future Alpha? That is not why I’m doing it. But I can’t tell them that I have a soft spot growing for her.

“I don’t mean to kick y’all out… but we have school tomorrow.” They laugh and get up to go. I gave Jojo his stuff he had me pick up and I went to shower. After my shower, I went to bed. And again, I had the dream of the crying girl.

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