Chapter 15

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Happy for them.


After the day Jayden came to check on me, the beatings became worse… I couldn’t train… I couldn’t go to school… So, I stood home allowing my wolf to heal me. 

It’s Saturday and I’m finally all healed up. As if he never laid a finger on me. I have to meet Zee soon, it’s the day of her party and I promised to help her with everything. I get up and start my everyday routine. 

After getting breakfast I went back to my room, to read for a while before I got myself and my things ready to meet Zee at her house. Is it weird to say that I’m nervous? Not because of the party though… I’m nervous to see him. Ever since he left the house my mind would wander back to him. Wondering if he could be thinking of me… I brush off thoughts of him as I read my book.

It’s 3:00 pm and I’m supposed to meet her at her house at 4:00pm. I threw on some leggings and a loose t-shirt. I decided to just walk over to Zees' house. Once there, her mom opens the door and tells me that Zee is in her room. Once I walk into her room, she pulls me in. 

“I am so nervous, Cay… What if Jojo isn’t my mate… Like what if I don’t find my mate… What if I make a fool out of myself? I am freaking out!” I can see the anxiety building in her. I grab her shoulders, to put us face to face.

“Zee, breathe in…” She takes a deep breath in, “Release…” And she breathes out slowly. 

“There you go… Everything will be ok Zee. You’ll have an amazing night, and if you don’t find him tonight, don’t beat yourself up about it. Remember, the Goddess does what she knows is best.” I gave her a small smile, which she returned, and we gave each other a hug. 

“What would I do without you Cay?” We both laugh and start going over decorations and all that good information.

It’s now 7:00 pm and her party starts at 9:00 pm. So, it is time to start getting ready. I help Zee with her hair and make up and then begin my own. I go light on make up and decide to leave my hair natural and just pinned one side up. It took us over an hour to get hair and make up out of the way. It’s now time to put my dress on, since we have to be in the hall before everyone else. I came out of her closet and saw her mouth drop open.

“Oh my Goddess! Cay you look amazing!!!” You can see her excitement in her eyes. I giggled. 

“Thank you! Now go, it’s your turn.” She runs into her closet. After a few minutes, she comes out. 

“OMG! Zee!” I couldn’t even put into words how amazing she looked. She comes over to me. 

“I love you so much Cay. I truly appreciate your friendship and the fact that you spent most of your day with me and my craziness. I’m so lucky to call you my best friend.” Now with watery eyes, I fan my face. 

“Girl, you’re about to make me cry.” We both laugh and she grabs my hand. 

“Come on, it’s time to go.”

We got to the hall just before 9:00 pm. No one is here yet as expected, but soon they’ll all be coming in. A few minutes went by and like I said, people began to come in. At exactly nine o'clock, I felt a strong aura in the room. Jayden. 

I felt someone looking at me, I knew it was him. He’s the only one who ever pays any attention to me. I look towards him, he’s now heading my way. He says hello and Zee leaves us. Gees, well thanks, I silently laugh. We have a light conversation and continue on with the party. 

Now to think about it, I don’t want a party… If I don’t find my mate I’d be so broken. I don’t want anyone to see that. I’ve done very well hiding everything I don’t need one night to ruin that for me. And even worse, what if I do find him and he doesn’t want me. My body shivers, and not in a good way, at that thought. 

It’s now 11:58 pm, and everyone is together. We hang around Zee, have random conversations, and just enjoy her last few moments as a kid. Now, the countdown. Everyone gets so excited for the age change of a wolf. 

“3…2…1… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Everyone yelled, then it all happened. 

I saw her face, her mate is here! But who??? We all watch as she makes her way through the crowd. Then there it goes, she’s in front of someone, but I can’t see who. I hear them both though. 


When I made my way through the crowd, I saw them. Jojo and Zee! Oh my Goddess! I’m so happy for them! I give them some time, and decide to head to get a drink. In the process, someone bumps into me. He apologizes. 

“It’s ok” I say as I give him a smile. 

“Good night Caylee.” He smiled, that beautiful smile of his. 

“Good night Jayden.” And he left. I went over to my best friends and hugged them both. 

“I’m so happy for you guys.” They hugged me back, and we enjoyed the last hour of Zees' party.

I’m now home, in the shower. What an awesome night, I’m really happy for Zee and Jojo. They deserve each other. 

I’m walking into my room, from the bathroom, in a towel. To stop and see Robert. Can I ever have a night where I’m left alone? The light switch goes off and there he goes… I shut my eyes tight and silently sob.

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