Chapter 18

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Girl in my dreams.


The week honestly flew by. I’ve been having the same dream every night… I just want to know who it is. Will I ever know? Why am I having the same dream? No progress, no anything. Just that it’s a girl and she's in the woods crying. 

I’ve prayed every night to the Goddess, for more signs and I don’t get any. So, I just try my best to brush it off and continue with my days. But, in my heart, I feel the need to find her. To save her. To know who she is. To comfort her in every way I can.

I was able to see Caylee right before she and her crew left to begin her sleepover. I stopped her right before she stepped foot outside. I had to make sure I’d see her tomorrow. So I can wish her a happy birthday. She said yes, so I’m holding her to that. 

After they left, I chose to spend my Friday night just hanging with Cj and Knox. We hung in the game room for a while and around 10:30 pm, I decided to head to my room. It being later than I usually stay up til, I wanted to shower and head to bed. 

I’m tossing and turning, and for some reason I just can't seem to fall asleep. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t sleep. I get up and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and dry it out. I breathe in and out and go to lay back down. 

Around 11:50pm, I hear Jojo “JAYDEN! CJ! SOMEONE!” He’s mind linking me. 

“Jayden or Cj, please tell me you’re up!” Before I can even respond he links again. 

“She ran off! Some messed up things happened and she ran off! Cj please go find Martha and keep her safe! Jayden, she’s afraid of the dark, terrified, and she ran off alone! I’m assuming she can be in the woods but I don’t know.” I started getting nervous. 

“Who?” I was up throwing some shorts on. 

“Caylee!” If he spoke again I didn’t hear him. I was out of the pack house running into the woods.

I’m running everywhere trying to find her. Suddenly, I hear someone crying… And it came to me… 

The dream… 

The crying girl…

Oh My Goddess!

That crying girl! 


The crying girl is Caylee!

I’m meant to help Caylee… But from what? From who? I need to find her! 

“Mom is safe, she’s at the pack hospital. What is going on Jayden? Where is my sister?” Cj was mind linking me. 

“I don’t know, you heard Jojo. He didn’t give much detail. Just help me find her and have others help too.” Little by little a group of us were in the woods looking for her.

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