Chapter 6

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Senior Year Begins.


These two weeks have flown by way too fast for my liking. 

These next six months will be tough, but I know I’ll be ok. Today’s the first day of senior year. It’s exciting to know how close I am to finishing high school. But so nerve racking on knowing all the responsibilities I will be taking on soon come. 

I shake my head off of those thoughts and head out to training. Then I’ll head back to get ready for school. 

Training went well, but I noticed Caylee was a bit stiff today. She seemed as if she was hurting. I don’t know. I mean no one else said anything about it, nor approached her. So maybe I’m just assuming.  

I shake my head, trying to get rid of my thoughts. Why am I here thinking about Cj's sister? This isn’t ok… 

She’s my best friend's sister! And if she weren’t, she’s Jojo's best friend! Talk about a double whammy… 

But she’s been catching my eye lately… The way she trains. The way she looks. Shit, I need to stop. Shaking thoughts of her out of my head, I head to get ready for school. 

I grab breakfast with Cj and Knox, who’s next in line for the Gamma position, and his brother Kyle who’s a great fighter. We finish up and head to school.

Arriving at school, we all head to get our schedules. 

“What’s your first period?” Cj asked as we all looked at our schedules. I groaned. 

“Algebra ll” I hate math, but it’s a requirement. So I have no choice but to take it. Both Cj and Knox start laughing. 

“Damn bro, good luck.” said Knox. I shake my head. 

“What about you Knox?” I asked.

“Oh, I have LA.” He rolls his eyes as he says it. Which made me laugh. 

“Haha, very funny.” He groaned. 

“See, I have History that isn’t too bad.” I shook my head and started to walk away, off to first period in Mr. Qs. 

But before I got too far I shouted out, "See you both later.” Because I don’t need to start the first day late. 

As I walk in, the first thing I notice is Caylee. She’s looking out the window, so I make my way to her desk. I saw her body tense once I asked why she was here. Her reply was barely a whisper. 

I decided to sit next to her, which earned her a few glares from some girls. Funny thing is, I wouldn’t even give those girls the time of day. 

Class flies by, when the bell rings, she flies out. I head to my next class, where I see Cj once I walk in. 

“Hey man, your sister is in my first class.” He laughs. 

“Oh yeah, she’s a math geek.” He continues to laugh. I leave it alone and go on with my day. 

After school, I head straight home to get this homework done. She’s here with Jojo and their other friend, I smile and continue to my room. After I finished, I went down for dinner. 

Our family has the pack eat dinner at 6:00pm since a lot of people go to bed early, since we train every morning so early. 

She’s there for dinner as well, she’s honestly a beauty. She’s a petite little thing, curly dirty blonde hair, freckles, and those green eyes… If she stands in front of me she’d only reach my chest, I chuckled just thinking about it. 

‘What is wrong with me?’ I think to myself. 

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