102- Werewolf Council Order [Part-5].

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Screen opens to Ethan Tanis and Phara making there way through the storm Phara managed to put up a shield around them keep the wind and rain from hitting them. As they walked Ethan lost in thought.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Uh. This storm horrible tonight. I don't get how the Dark Forest puts out this much Aura to create these storms. HU!?!

As Ethan was lost in thought Kalen appears through the thick rain next to Ethan in his pyramid form.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Descendent! I've been trying to contact you all week! HU!? Are you alright! What happened!?

Kalen notice Ethan burn hands and using Aura sight sees his body badly injured.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Where the hell you've been old man? I could have used your help with the Werewolf Slavers you know.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Werewolf Slavers!? How did you survive that encounter? There always ready to fight any race!?

Ethan remembers fighting Slaver and being overpowered and losing control over True Alpha.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Let just say I was lucky.

Kalen [Thoughts]- You used True Alpha Aura again! You know how dangerous that is!

Ethan [Thoughts]- How do you know that I did that!?

Kalen [Thoughts]- I can see the cracks in the seal with my Aura Sight. Also I can see your mother tryed to mend it but it still damaged. Do you know what that means.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Yes I do. True Alpha Aura can now effect me easier. So it best to not use his Aura anymore.

Ethan looked away disappointed. Kalen looked mad but calmed down.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Uh. Just come in for training tomorrow and I will see what I can do about your seal.

Ethan [Thoughts]- I can't.

Kalen [Thoughts]- What!? Why not!?

Ethan [Thoughts]- I promised my mom that I would allow my wounds to heal before starting training again. Also she asked the girls to make sure I don't go near the Alchemy World so you can't try to fix my seal yet. As for training I'll just be doing Meditation training until then.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Uh fine. But when you have recovered returned to me at once. We need to make future plans so you don't end up getting yourself killed or True Alpha controlling you.

True Alpha voice appears interrupting Kalen.

True Alpha [Thoughts]- GRRRRRR! Good luck with that Kalen. Your little Descendent body will be mine. You wont stop me because he need my power. Not your worthless training.

Ethan eyes turned Black and Dark Red. Along with causing some pain to Ethan but he kept his face hidden from Tanis and Phara by using the Pizza boxes. But they where focusing on keeping the shield around them up. The seal on Ethan neck appears glowing black.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Silence True Alpha. As long as I am here that will never happen. Now be gone.

After Kalen said that Ethan eyes returned to normal. And the seal disappeared.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Uh! Thank you old man.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Think nothing of it Descendent. But I do expect you back for training after you've fully recovered.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Ha. Will do old man. See you then.

Ethan smiled but Kalen just shook his head in improvement as he faded away. A flash of Lightning lights up the sky getting the attention of Ethan.

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