66. Close to Death[Part-1].

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Screen opens to Winnie training in the Dark Forest with Phara and Tanis. There's a Magic Circle around them as they fight. Winnie had flash backs to Sibella, Elean, Paratus. and Gear arriving back at the school with Ethan badly hurt. This enraged her causing her to fight more aggressively. As the Lust Twins spoke to her.

Freya [Thoughts]- Come on Winnie. Kill them.

Davis [Thoughts]- Ya. They where the reason you couldn't go with Sibella and Elean to protect Ethan. Because of them he almost died.

Winnie [Thoughts]- GRRRR! Shut up!

Winnie- Werewolf Magma Claws!

Winnie does a speed strike that leaves a four claw marks on Tanis chest killing her this surprised Phara and see notice Winnie eyes changing between Black and Dark Green like the Lust Twins.

Phara- Tanis!! UH!?

Phara [Thoughts]- Great Winnie not just have her Werewolf Spirit deal with. But the Lust Twins as well.

Phara dodges Winnie strike as she continues to attack her. Phara manages to slide through one of Wiinnie claw strike and phase into her.

Phara- Phantom  Possessions Seal!

Winnie drops to her knees as the seal on her neck glowed Dark Blue and regain control of her body. Phara collapse out of Winnie's back.

Phara- Ha. Good training match Winnie. It was a howl of a time. Ha Ha Ha.

Winnie tryed to get up but couldn't.

Winnie [Pain]- Ha Ha. Very funny Phara. Sorry you had to do that again.

Phara- No problem. Your trying your best to remain in control.

Phara raises her hand and the Magic Circle disappears healing them all. Winnie remained on the ground on her knees while Phara and Tanis got up. Tanis notice something wrong with Winnie.

Phara- Hey you ok Tanis.

Tanis- I'm fine Phara. But I think there something wrong with Winnie.

They walk over to Winnie.

Tanis- Hey Winnie you alright?

Winnie jumps on her feet and looked mad.

Winnie- No. I'm not Tanis. Ethan was almost killed. And I was off getting school supply's.  Along with my Werewolf Spirit and the Lust Twins  keep pissing me off. How do you think I feel!!

Tanis looked scared and backed up. That when Sibella and Elean walk out of 

Elean- That's enough Winnie. Your scaring Tanis.

Sibella- She's right calm yourself.

Winnie [Mad]- I am calm.

Winnie glair at Sibella then takes a deep breath.

Elean- Anyways what happened to Ethan wasn't your fault it was ours and Paratus.

Winnie- Of course it is. Because of Gear blabbering his mouth. He wouldn't have found out he was a slave.

That when Miss Grim walked in.

Miss Grim- He wasn't scared off because of that. 

The girls looks surprised when Miss Grim walked in.

Sibella- Misses Grim.

Winnie- What do mean?

Miss Grim- Ethan came close to actually dying and ask to take some time off. He not mad at any of you girls.

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