33. Birthday [Part 1].

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Screen opens to inside Sibella room were all Monster Girls are there along with Ethan Meeting.

Sibella. Alright todays meeting is about this year Halloween Open House.

Winnie. Hold on didn't we get everything ready for this last week.

Phara. Ya Winnie right. What could we have forget?

Sibella. Well telling Ethan would be one.

Ethan [Confused]. Um ya. So what is this open house about?

Elean. It's the one time a year our parents come down to visit and meet other parents.

Phara. Ha Ha Ha. And don't forget to check out our grades and how were doing.

Tanis. Ya I can't wait for you to meet there parents Ethie. There very nice.

Ethan. Sure thing Tanis. And I can't wait to meet your parents to.

That when Tanis face went happy to sad.

Tanis[ Sad]. Sibella can I leave for a while.

Sibella. Sure thing dear.

Tanis. Thank you.

After Tanis left.

Ethan. Uh did say something wrong.

Elean. No you didn't. It's just Tanis parents are dead.

Ethan [Shocked]. I better go check on her. I'll be right back.

Ethan left after her the screen changes to Tanis room.

Tanis [Thoughts and Crying]. It's my fault your dead. Why did they need to suffer and die while I lived.

The door opens Tanis turns around to see Ethan.

Ethan. Hey Tanis are you alright.

Tanis [Lie]. Yes brother. I'm Alright see.

Tanis puts on a fake smile that when Ethan wrapped his hand around Tanis as she burst out crying. Her mouth was open but no words came out. She pushed her head into Ethan Jacket crying.

Ethan. Easy it's ok. I'm here sis.

Screen changes back to Sibella room.

Sibella. Alright while there gone we can discuss about the Were-Lion Ethan and Winnie killed at that Carnival.

Winnie. Why what so important about that. He worked with Revolta and now he's dead end of story.

Sibella. Well Winnie I informed the Magic Court about him and his assistant the beast tamer. And they found out there both from the Monster Realm. And there part of a Cult that warships Revolta.

Winnie. Well that great more problems.

Elean. Actually Winnie the Courts have gone after and eradicated the cult after this.

Phara. Ha Ha. Wow they've finally done something useful.

Winnie. Ha. I can agree with that Phara.

Sibella. However there having trouble hunting down those who are supplying her. So were still need to be on guard.

Winnie. Uh great. Why can't anything be simple.

Phara. Ha Ha. If it wasn't it wouldn't be life Winnie.

Screen changes back to Ethan and Tanis were Tanis has calm down.

Ethan. You ok know Tanis.

Tanis. Yes. I'm sorry Ethan I wanted to tell you about what happened to me. But I didn't now how to.

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